Spark Arrestor/silencer for 2000 300EXC

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
I just bought a used 2000 300EXC. About the only "negative" was the prior owner modified the stock silencer by cutting off the last few inches - I guess to eliminate the spark arrestor and reduce back pressure a bit. (not so sure it would actually do much for performance though)

I really doubt my bike would pass Tech inspection here in D-14 as is so will need a new spark arrestor.

1) I am leaning towards a FMF Turbine Core II - any comments on this one? Other suggestions? (it has a stock pipe)

2) Will the FMF TC II meet dba restrictions (I think we need 94db here in Michigan)?

3) I thought of adding a "sparky" to the remainder of the stock unit on the bike - but what one would I go with - what I have certainly is not a "stock" item anymore so fit might be an issue!



Sponsoring Member
Dec 6, 2000
I just put the Q series Turbine Core on my '99 300exc. Not sure what the db level is but I'm a lot quietier than just about all the other bikes out there. If you don't make the sound check with it I don't know what will.


Aug 12, 1999
Hey Mike- it's a fairly common mod to cut about 3 inches off the end of the stock silencer -- I'm told it improves performance....
Anyway, I'd disassemble the silencer to see if the SA was reinstalled. If the job was done right, the SA will still be useable and operable in the shorter silencer (it's actually attached to the endcap). As far as sound output, I'd think you'll be OK with the shorter silencer. I saw somewhere that Lafferty runs a shortened stock silencer, maybe the guys at Lansing Cycle will know if the sound level is within limits.
But, if you really want to buy a new silencer, I see all kinds of FMF TurbineCore II silencers at the enduro's, so they must be OK....
Enjoy the new bike; I guess I'll have to buy a new one to keep up with you now!:cool:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I've got the TC (with a Gnarley pipe) and it is significantly louder than stock but no where near any of the MX only bikes. Depending how they measure (distance, RPM, front/side/rear, etc...) you might be OK on sound level as 94dB is not THAT strict of a limit. I'd guess if you repacked it you'd be really safe.

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by Magoo
...maybe the guys at Lansing Cycle will know if the sound level is within limits.... I guess I'll have to buy a new one to keep up with you now!:cool:


I think I will call Lansing Cycle. Ironically, I drove by their shop earlier today - did not have time to stop - oh well! I think the guy fabricated a different end cap so I suspect I wont find the s/a operable. Heck - you could keep up with me on my kid's 50cc Polini;) so dont run out and get a new bike just 'cause of me! (unless you need an excuse to give good ole Nick a few more bucks!)

Patman - I would agree - when I have heard bikes at races with the TCII they have seemed much louder than my old 97 w/stock silencer. Somehow they are making it through Tech inspection though. In some respects I am quite willing to give up a wee bit on power (I cant put it all to use any how!) in exchange for less noise...keeps the eco nazis a bit farther at bay to!

Dan S...not to contradict my greater interest in quiet vs power noted above... do you feel the "Q" had a noticable impact on power?


Sponsoring Member
Dec 6, 2000
The original set up when I got the bike was a Pro Circuit pipe with a Factory Sound Silencer. I had a sparky laying around that more or less fit it so I put that on to be legal in the woods. Switching to the FMF Q series I didn't notice any change in power just a drop in the noise level.


Aug 12, 1999
just to add my $.02...i kept the stock pipe on my 00' 300 and replaced the silencer with a TCII. i didn't notice any increase in sound, or power for that matter...

KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
I just took the end off the silencer to see if the prior owner did indeed eliminate the spark arrestor with his mod...and sure 'nuff - no arrestor. Looks like I will be buying a new one. I really like the idea of the "Q" - keeping the db down and power comparable sounds great to me!

Does anyone want to buy a modified silencer off of a 2000 300 EXC?
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