Spark plugs


Feb 10, 2003
I just pulled the plug out of my 2001 KDX 220 that I recently bought.
It was a NGK B8EGV. Has anyone ever heard of this plug being run in a KDX 220.


Jan 20, 2003
Get rid of it- yes i have heard of it but it is not a resistor--your machine is not running properly i would reccommend a
BR8EIX that is the best plug you could run its iridium---but one the other hand if you don't want to spen the money buy a BR8EG thats nickle or BR8EV thats gold The finer the electrode the better your off ---- helps with throttle response and is good for lugging the motor--- I'm running a BR8EVX ---If you want to go back to A stock plug it is a BR8ES --- sTICK TO A RESISTOR PLUG IF YOU DON'T IT MAY MESS UP YOUR CDI---HAPPY TRAILS
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