
Jul 3, 2004
hello all,

recently made a deal for a '97 YZ250 and i am just searching for some specs and/or history of the YZ250. I'd like to learn more about it and the differences throughout the years.

If you have any good links, please let me know.



Jul 3, 2004
ok, so, let me phrase this question a different way.

would a '97 YZ250 be considered "outdated" in the current world of YZ's?

What would be the biggest differences at least, besides the 2004-2005 models?


I was searching for suspensions specs the other day and came across a site that listed a lot, but not all, of the specs for most every mx bike from the last 10 years or more. Pretty interesting. If I find it, I'll post it.

As for differences, companies are always improving things, or trying to. I've heard the 04 yz250 motor is the shiznit.


Nov 4, 2003
I sold my 97 YZ 250 about 3 months ago and purchased a 2004 YZ 250. The 04' is definitely faster and has plusher suspension, but the differences between the 2 were not as great as I thought they might be.The 97 was a great bike and it was competitive with the newer models. The FMF Fatty helps boost the low and mid on the 97.


Nov 17, 2001
The biggest difference happened in 99. Yamaha changed the motor to an entirely new desigh. This does make our 97 yz's a bit dated.

The frame and plastic stayed the same until 02.

That being said, I really have no problem with my 97 yz 250. There are many mods you can do to them. Theengine is easy to work on with no horrible problems except the powervalve wearing out.


Jul 3, 2004
cool.. thanks for all the replies fellas.. this is the kind of info i was looking for.

okay, now on to more mundane stuff since i'm basically getting the picture.

this is my first true MX bike. Is there a site or an article somewhere you can point me to that talks about maintenance on these bikes?

for example:

1) how often do you re-do your top-ends (in hours) ?
2) do you rebuild the powervalve every time you redo your top-end?
3) does the PV wear out more often than the top-end?
4) how often do you replace the chain and sprockets, tires?
5) how often do you replace the seals on the front-end?


Sorry to ask so many questions, just want to make sure i do this right. I'm an avid jet-skier, so i know how to work on 2-stroke engines, ive built a few over the last couple of years, i'm just new to the dirtbikes.


May 17, 2004
I rebuilt the top end when the bike starts to feel sluggish and loses some compression. I guess it depends on how hard you ride or if you race. The PV does not wear out(at least on my 97 cr250) but you have to clean it very good quite often. I clean mine every rebuild. If you take care of your chain and sprockets they will last a long time but if you dont' they were out quickly. My rear tire needs to be replaced probalbly every 2 months. I haven't changed the fork seals yet. I also change my oil after 4 or 5 rides(some do it more often). I also clean the filter after ever ride. Good luck with the new ride and have fun.
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