I am most likely going to do the spodefest in sept in casey ILL. What i am looking for is to see if anyone might be interested in toting my bike from St. Louis to the fest, and I will supply you the lodging in my travel trailer. I really dont want to sleep in a tent, or fork out the money for a hotel. as of right now, i am thinking about leaving on wedsday night after work.
any takers?? trailer is 27ft 2000 wilderness
There are a few of us leaving from KC on Thursday morning. We already have hotel reservations but if you don't get any takers on your offer, let me know and hopefully we can get something worked out. We should have room for one more bike if need be. Shoot me an Email if you don't get any other offers and I'll send you my toll-free work number.
I too might have room for the bike. I'm pulling my tailgator so I don't need a place to sleep but if you come up dry get in touch with me closer to time. I only have two bikes in the trailer and none in the truck:)