Hi phirechick-
I race MX and have been doing the whole sponsor/resume thing for the past few years for both myself and my fiancé - so hopefully I can help answer your questions. Most of the companies in the industry have different levels of sponsorship that range from 10% off to free product. For example - a company like Boyesen/Twin Air has 6 different levels of rider's support. FMF is another company that has several different levels of support. And most companies will also include promotional items (T-shirts, hats, banners, stickers, samples, etc...) at no charge. As far as actually getting money - this is usually on a pro level only basis except for some sponsors who offer cash contingencies at certain races/events. And in order to obtain sponsorships - you need to send a resume to the companies or contact them and tell them about yourself, your accomplishments, your goals, what you can do for them, and what you are looking for from the company. Most deadlines for sponsorship requests are Sept. - Dec. but some companies accept resumes year-around. Hope that helps answer your questions.