Caught my wife talking to another man! What a great thing!!


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
So, Jen had me going... she had convinced me a friend of hers husband wanted to buy Mike Liebal's 2006 YZ450F (I have been riding with Liebal since 99).

Well, one day last week Jen said she had worked it all out with Liebal. I didn't even know she had Liebal's number but it appears she lifted it from my phone one day. Well... being the guy I am I agreed to go to NC and pick it up for the guy since he hadn't gotten a trailer yet. Liebal met me half way and I was bitchin the entire time about the guy and him getting the bike. I don't dislike the guy but I knew he would barely ride the thing if he got it. He is definitely henpecked worse than Dean.

Anyway, as we load it up Liebal is giving me an extra tire, fender and the Rekluse. OMG this guy is making out I thought.

We chit chatted and then headed home. What got me the most is Jen went with me to pick it up. She hates mornings so for her to get up at 8am to drive to NC for a dirtbike was surprising and a little hurtful b/c she rarely gets up that early for me, or so I thought. As we drove up I couldn't help but say "that sure is a beautiful bike."

Anyway, later in the day she kept asking if I was going to work on the bike. Hell no was I going to set it up for the guy I thought, then of course, being me I agreed but wanted to watch the 30 for 30 story about Hank Gathers. I was a big fan of his back in High School and started shooting left handed out of respect for him after he died (long story). Anyway, as I am getting ferklempt she tells me that I need to go work on my bike (the 250f still needs the carb completely clean and I didn't get it done right so I was having a guy named Troy Crisp who used to wrench for Josh Demuth and Jon Sebastian Roy fix the carb). I said, I was taking the 250f in to Troy tomorrow. She said, "No... the 450!"

I could not believe it and had to call Liebal to confirm. Wow! Great present!!!

Not exactly sure how she is paying for it (may be money from her parents) or if she is trading sex for it... not sure but if Liebal doesn't go riding with me that may be a clue.

So, I have set the sag, changed the oil (it was already done it appears as what came out was clean and clear), set the controls, checked air pressure, checked suspension clickers and got her ready to ride. I still need to buy a washer (I think it is the external tab lockwasher) for the Rekluse and then get that installed. That thing is going to rock with the Rekluse. Plan on swapping over my Flexx bars but need to get new triple clamps first so I can use the flexx bars and Scotts damper. Might also get a 2.6 gallon Clarke tank for those trips to WV.

The 450 is in great shape. It has a Dr. D exhaust and looks great. Very clean. Starts easy. Actually, probably the easiest 450 to start I ever tried. I rode it a couple weeks ago since I had my 250f in pieces still and stalled it on a hill and got it started in gear on an angle. Not bad for a carburated bike.

Not sure if I will keep both bikes yet either... the 250f has been a great bike and is my preferred weapon in tighter stuff but I am more of a play rider and the extra power of the 450 makes being lazy on the bike even easier, but when tired the 250f is easier to ride.

Oh well... good problems to have for sure :)

Looks like 2010 is ending on a great note and I am definitely looking forward to 2011!!

Also, traditional Yellow and Black Yamaha is now officially the best looking bike out there!!!!



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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

All men are a doofus every now and again.

You need a sign? You can have mine. :laugh:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Nice ride Ivan!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Very cool Ivan, that is a great girl you've got there.

You're going to really enjoy that bike.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
WooHoo! I was bummed when I checked with Mike to possibly buy that bike and he told me it was already sold (but in a double naught, sooper secret kind of way).


May 19, 2006
Chili and oldguy are right......when I think of Yamaha dirt bikes, the yellow and black still pop in my head !! Love the brand, but hate the "new blue" (even though it isn't so new anymore, is it?). You are one lucky devil !


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
a woman talking dirty.....bikes is a good thing


Nov 12, 2001
Ride in good health Ivan!
So glad that since I had to let the bike go (job loss) that it went to a good home!
You got a great gal too! That was fun putting one over one you.
Cant wait to get to ride with ya soon.


Go Big or Go Home
May 27, 2007
Sounds good, Troy does a nice job on suspension also, Just for your info, had him do mine a few years back, and he's very resonable too. You ever do any riding at 101 yet.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
I do mostly woods so I haven't been out to 101 but plan on trying to go out there and roll some of those mounds they build up there.

Tonight I went to install the Rekluse and it is missing a part... going to get that tomorrow... it's just a spacer.

Odd thing is as I took off the inner hub I fumbled it as I was standing up and it fell and landed on the ratchet and socket I had on the garage floor (socket was pointing straight up) and broke one of the screw tab things that the springs go around. I guess putting the clutch back to stock is not going to happen :)

For tomorrow I will run my 250f and see how well it does and then next week order the part I need and hopefully ride the 450 before the end of the year.

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