the sdr winter series begins on dec 1st. this is an eight race series held on sdr club land. these are short harescambles in the mud and snow. for more info see .happy holidays!
It was cold and windy,but alot of fun. That track gets beat up quick. By the end of the day the deep ruts that formed in the mud/clay were starting to freeze. That just wore me out. Two 30 min races on that track is more tiring than a 2 hr hare scramble
its been a while since i checked this post, no i didnt race. the next race is this sunday 12/15. it the "toy race" which means that if you race you should bring a toy for toys for tots, if you dont bring a toy you have to pay an extra $5 to race.
oh sorry, i was there. im a club member, i work. in order to be club member you have to help at the races. i dont race, im just a trailrider. the club owns acreage that i can ride.
thermo - Thanks for keeping us updated. Unfortunately I won't be racing this series. I'm taking a break from riding/racing until after the holidays. Most likely I'll be at the ice races on Warner's Lake and the NETRA Snow Run Enduro.
your welcome, last race was a little nasty due to rain the day before. lots of deep ruts, mud, and puddles. we will most likley reroute some of the couse next week. next race is dec. 29th.
woodsrider where is warners lake?