Squeek In Rear Of Bike


Jan 30, 2004
When I bounce my bike up and down there is a squeeking noise coming from the rear end. The problem is I can't pin-point where the squeek is coming from. It sounds like it's coming from around the swing arm or rear shock. This sounds like a stupid question, but I don't want to start tearing the bike apart until I know where the problem is. When I say "sqeek" what I mean is that it sounds like it is dried out and I am in desperate need of lubing the area. Has anyone else ever had this problem?


Apr 28, 2003
Sorry to tell you this, but you will likely have to tear the rear end down and lube all of the bearings. The squeak is most likely coming from your shock bottom bearing, but it could be elsewhere. If one bearing is dry, then they are all likely dry. Do it now before you do more damage and you will be much happier in the long run.


Jan 30, 2004
Is this a huge job? Does anyone know a link that will explain the process to me?


Jan 17, 2001
It's the rear linkage. FIRST, I'd try removing the shock and relubing the shock upper and lower bearings. That might stop the source of the noise withouth you having to take everything apart. You probably need to lube the whole thing but start there first.


Apr 28, 2003
What bike is this for? If the bike is older and the suspension has never been lubed and is destroyed, then yes, it will be a fairly big job. However, if the bearings are in decent shape, it will probably be about a 4 hour job if done correctly. Hopefully you have a repair manual for your bike. This will show you how everything goes back together. Most of the work is self explanitory and not overly difficult. If you have a basic knowledge of mechanics and the tools you can do the job. Doing it yourself will save you a TON of money as it is mostly labor intensive. If you have questions, we will help you through it.


Jan 30, 2004
Thanks guys, I just contacted my local parts dealer. The owner of the store is also a mechanic. He said he will do the job for $50.00. He said if everything is froze up inside, then I am looking at about $230.00, because the bearings will have to pressed out and replaced. The bike is a 2001 kdx220. I think I have greased every single nook and cranny on this bike with waterproof belray grease, except for this. FIGURES. Is this a common thing to happen? THANKS FOR YOUR HELP GUYS!


Apr 28, 2003
Yes, it is VERY common. I have a hard time believing the prices your dealer quoted, but if it is legit, let him do it. However, I think the Pivot Works kits for the bearings would cost about $200 (just parts) if everything is bad.

Remember, don't just lube the squeeky bearing! Go ahead and do all of them while your at it. A 2001 with only light riding time is ready for this job. BTW, I rebuilt the rear end on my brother's KDX a while back and he needed a new lower linkage arm b/c it had gone too long. You really don't want to get into buying those kinds of parts b/c they are VERY expensive. I think it ended up costing him well over $400 in parts, my labor was free (well, maybe a six pack :)).


Jan 30, 2004
Yeah thank god that I am buddies with the owner, otherwise I prob. would be paying a lot of money for the job. I hope no serious damage was done yet! Thanks again guys.
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