Wardy, good advice buddy. Gospeedracer, it is important to realise that when a rider starts riding for the first time ever, it can all be very confusing when you add too may 'things to do' at once. So, if you have worked on the basics and they are in her head (make a judgement yourself, not what she says) then go ahead and add a few more things for her to practice. its always best to start as early as possible, otherwise change can be difficult especially when it comes to standing on the pegs. This is pretty much what everone has said, but i would like to add that her riding future is pretty much in your hands. Please do your best to teach the correct techniques to her, and make sure she does them correctly until they become instinctive. This will ensure that she will be a better rider in the future, and a safer one, which is something people sometimes don't realise. Correct rider education = fun and safety. Way to go! Also, bad habbits always pose a problem to the new rider and most of the time, they don't realise they are doing something wrong until its firmly planted into their grey matter. Bad habbits can be difficuld to rectify in the future, so prevention, like always, is better than cure.
Keep us posted on her progress.