Stillwater 3/17 with the Heartland Spodes


Apr 28, 2001
I met up with the Heartland Spodes this AM to ride "The 500" in Stillwater. In attendance was Craig_Enid, VioletSP, OKK'XR, Lorin, BSWIFT, Justql, and a few freinds of Lorin who I met. Never having been there, I had a good time getting "in touch" with nature. Now keep in mind that I am just getting back into riding after a 20 year layoff. My version of being "in touch" as I metioned above, is seeing how many trees I can manage to bounce off, brush, and flat run into. None of my past experince included tight twisty woods. I managed to survive the day with three crashes (none witnessed) and no resultant pain or damage to the equipment. There was a stadium-style MX track there that I stayed far away from. My one trip on part of it starting a woods loop with Lorin and co., I found out what happens when you land off a catapult jump with your foot over the brake. Could have been ugly, but I was going slow, and popped the clutch and rode on.
I can report that the Heartland Spodes are pretty dang quick in the Woods! I chose to ride at the back at my own lethargic pace. I need to change some gearing and set-up on the Ol' 426 to make it handle better in the tight stuff. The 500 also has a lot of wide open sandy whoops. I did better on these, but they sure do wear an old man down.
I also passed up another perfect chance to whack the infamous Mamba. Lorin and I came around a curve and over a little jump to find Justql and BSWIFT hard at work on the Mamba. Seems like the swingarm bolt had fallen off. The Mamba was mostly off the trail, but I could have used it for a heck of a berm... come to think of it, the Gas Gas was positioned at the edge of the trail on the next turn. Dang, I coulda had a double! After getting home and starting to wash the bike I was HORRIFIED to find a large black knobby mark on my Pristine new, laboriously installed, number plate backgrounds. Soap and water did no good. I have been tattoed by a Gas Gas! THATS IT... NO MORE MR. NICE GUY! No more gentlemanly concern on my part. Bite the dirt in front of me and YOU'RE TRACTION!!!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
I really do not remember bumping your bike, but I'll take your word for it and consider that your official initiation into the Heartland Spodes. Welcome aboard.:D

I too had my share of bobbles today. I brought the Gas Gas down to get it tuned and ready for the enduro next week. The LTR jetting kit was spot on. The Gas Gas would wheely with just a twist of the throttle. The MX tech suspension also was good. After setting the sag I found it worked well. I didn't even feel the few rocks that there were. The whoopes were also very easy to track through.

My worst get off occured whenI came to a little muddy creek crossing. Not wanting to get any of the nasty red mud on my bike I elected to seat jump the little creek. Everything went well untill I landed. The front wheel landed on a little off camber. In an attempt to keep it from washing out I got on the gas hard. The rear end hooked up perfectly like I hoped. The front end came up and around the corner I shot, right toward a tree. Before I could get the front end back on the ground I hit the tree. No damge to the bike or me. Lorin was the only one to see it. Thankfully he took pity on me and didn't roost me.

OKKXer and Craig_enid were on fire today. They were both on the pegs scooting through the woods fairly fast for two old farts.;)

Casey was trying to teach bswift how to jump the uphill double. Actually bswift did jump it. Just not as smooth as Casey.

Bswift did have a little trouble with the Mamba today. Nothing that couldn't be fixed easily though.
VioletSP and Mary got the TTR in the woods a little.

From all accounts the Heartland Spodes had another good day.
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Apr 28, 2001
Remember when we were all stopped and someone motioned you to lead... you kinda rubbed by me. I think that's when I was marked;)


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Hey, I rub alot of people the wrong way.;) :p


Timmy Timmy Timmy!
Sep 24, 2000
Originally posted by OldMaiconut
[BThe Mamba was mostly off the trail, but I could have used it for a heck of a berm... [/B]

Thats what I did with my YZ last summer at the 500 when I decided to get a closer look at a cedar tree. Only the Mamba came blazing down the trial and used the YZ for target practice.

At least the initiation doesn't include any farm animals! :eek:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Re: Re: Stillwater 3/17 with the Heartland Spodes

Originally posted by Sawblade

At least the initiation doesn't include any farm animals! :eek:



Sep 10, 2001
This was one of THOSE days. No wind, perfect temp., friends that wanted to get in some serious seat time. One of those days when everything goes so well. Why doesn't everyone ride? Good to meet another DRN'er Bruce.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
I told you guys I have been really busy with work the last couple of weeks. I guess this week will be some minor repairs and some maintenance. I will buy the Kawi shift lever this time, the Moose just didn't hold up. I let you guys know towards the end of the week if I'm going to White Rock for the Enduro. I had fun but a bit frustrated with the break downs.
Just as Justql and I were heading out on our first warmup loop, I told him I didn't want to run a race pace. I'm real glad we were taking it pretty easy when the suspension bolt came out, it could have been ugly.:eek:
Craig, Mary and VioletSP, thanks for the pizza. I needed a good meal. Somehow I forgot to eat yesterday. :confused: We need to ride pretty regular for the next few months before it gets too hot. I had fun.:)


Mar 23, 2000
Don called it, 'One of THOSE days!' Yes, it was a beaut. I had stuck the 'rev' pipe on the #2 KDX, and was amazed at the difference. Still has decent pull at low revs, but really wakes up when you wick it up. I'm a rev piper, now!

Got a chance to swing a leg over the 'truck', Lorin's WR500. Wow, what a monster. Scary fast. Didn't get a chance to really wind it out.... well I had a chance and decided against it.

VioletSP and wife really put the TTR through it's paces. Both had numerous loops, getting better, every time. Took Violet on the 'yellow' trail, she did fabulous. Had a couple biffs, but rode through ALOT of shaky moments. Great learning experience.

I love riding on the 'home' turf. We know the trails backwards and forwards....makes us look like we know what we're doing!:D Hope we didn't run Oldmaiconut off, I think we all were a little ready for some WFO woods runs.:scream:

Great day, guys!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 3, 2000
What's Up?

Hey, how's it going? Me and some friends took a trip to the 500 on Saturday. I think some of those trees move, I'd swear they do. Ya know I really hate cedar trees, they just don't taste very good.:confused:

It was a little cold Sat. morning but the riding was fun. I'll have to hook up with the Heartland Spodes on one of your Stillwater trips sometime.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
did anyone pass me on 412? i took a one day trip to the dunes sunday. i went through enid about 9:00 a.m.
an awesome ride, as usual. the dunes were crowded (spring break) but fun. i rode with a local kid (mikey). he's been riding off and on with me for about the last ten years but he is just now getting serious about riding. he's twenty now. his goal is to become a local pro within two years. in the last couple of months he has passed me by. he has the potential to make it. there were several other locals with us, mostly on atvs. they were all newbies so mikey and i rode by ourselves most of the time. we found some good jumps and got alot of good air. for awhile, we had a crowd of about thirty atvs watching us, then some fast guys appeared and showed us up.:eek: i managed a few 80-100 footers, mikey was doing them all day. we had a couple of close calls but no crashes. the ponds are still all dried up so we didn't get to do any hydroplaning. but still, another excellent day at the dunes.
we may go again in two weeks. anyone one interested this time? it's something everyone should experience at least once.


Mar 23, 2000
Jay, we probably passed each other, I was in a white nissan with a KDX and TTR stuffed in the bed. I didn't see your trailer, but saw a bunch of quads/bikes being hauled West..... I've been keeping an eye on e-bay, lookiing for a sand tire. Have seen a couple, hope to pick up a cheap one. Don't know if I want to hit the dunes, without one!

Hey CR125OK, keep an eye on this forum. Also, post the next time you're heading out for a ride. There's usually at least one of us spodes wanting to go riding, just needing a reason to pack up.
Nest week is the 1st BJEC race. Justql, Bswift, and myself are planning on going. Logistics figured out later.
I'm gonna start a White Rock roll call....


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by craig_enid
I didn't see your trailer
I've been keeping an eye on e-bay, lookiing for a sand tire.

i traveled lite, no trailer.

your kdx uses an 18" doesn't it? a buddy just got a new bike with a 19" rear. he is selling his 18" paddle. you interested? how about a bidding war between the heartland spodes? :D i could deliver it sometime.

you can ride out there without a paddle. i didn't use mine yesterday but next time i will. it's much easier riding with one.


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Whats a paddle tire cost?? I have a brand new 19" s12 tire I might trade. I have around fifty invested in it. Can't you get a paddle cheaper than that?
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