
Mar 23, 2001
I haven't even broken in my new 01-220R yet. I've got the Renthals on, new grips, greased up everything (which was pretty much fine but did it anyhow), lock tighted all appropriate bolts, checked torque on everything, cleaned sticky crap off chain and lubed with WD-40, etc. This bike is ready for break-in, and then some trail action! My next question is this. After break-in, do I REALLY need to mess with the jetting if I'm a novice to intermediate type weekend warrior rider? Is it that rich where I don't want to just let it be? I'm up in Minnesota, with temps around 60-70 by the time I crank her up in about 2 weeks. I know ZERO, zip, nada, about messing with the carb. Will I be fine running the BR8ES with the stock jetting, or do you envision fouling plugs, etc with the stock jetting setup?

Also, how do I change my signature? I wanna list out my bikes like the rest of you guys ;-)

Here, I'll type em in.

01 KDX 220R (Renthals, grips, airbox mod)
84 Honda Magna VF700 (gotta have something to ride on the street)
86 Honda Rebel 450 (girlfriend's)
01 Yamaha TTR-125L (also girlfriends)



Jan 6, 2001
Check your plug after break-in, but I would bet a beer you will need to change jetting.

It's not hard and you will learn something about your bike in the process. If you don't want to attempt it, find another rider in the area that you feel could do the job correctly and watch him.

You can change your sig. line in the profile. The bike list is fine, but I (as you can see) feel a line of BS is more fun.

My next one will be "Nobody loves a Charlie in the box. :(

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat & drink beer all day.


Nov 21, 2000
I have never fouled a plug. I ride slow.
I use the stock heat range plug.
CHANGE THE JETTING!!! Use c-dave's justkdx
web page starter specs. It's easy, it's
cheap and it's a big improvement.
I never fouled a plug before I jetted, but
bang-for-the-buck mod, its a big difference. Bike runs much better , revs cleaner and has more power. Its just to easy and to good not to do. You will love the change.
Sorry to shout their, but I feel that strongly about this. Heck,C-Dave has done most of the work for you anyway.
Maybe the warm Florida weather made the change more noticable...but do it anyway.
Less power valve problems...less splooge.....
runs better...makes more power....CHEAP!!
Good luck...Steve



die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
I recommend jetting per C-Daves advice and going to a br7es plug unless you are riding WFO all the time. I went to a 145 main dropped the needle one clip and tuned up the air screw and it was a lot more fun to ride.



Feb 7, 2000
At the very least, lean the pilot and move the clip. But while you're in there, for a couple of extra bucks, dropping the main is a good idea. Use tools that fit properly (screwdriver for the pilot and socket for the main) as the jets are made of brass and pretty soft...
If you feel overwhelmed, drop a line here. We're happy to help!

'98 KDX 200
St. Louis, MO


Mar 23, 2001
Thanks guys. One more thing. Can I do this re-jet before I break her in fully? I've idled it a bit and ran around the yard once or twice, just haven't ridden 30 minutes, cooled down, ridden another 30, cooled down, changed oil and fluid, etc. I've got a buddy who can do it for me, but won't be available when I take it up to the cabin for the virgin weekend ride in two weeks.

Thanks again.

01 KDX 220R
84 Honda Magna VF700 (She's for sale if ya want it, Black, 11K miles, Recent carb clean, valves timed, refurbished gas tank, runs mint)
01 TTR 125-L (Girlfriends)
86 Honda Rebel 450 (Also girlfriends)


Nov 21, 2000
Just do it when you can,it wont hurt anything either way, but make the bike run better. Sounds like you have done all the "must do" stuff, just fun stuff and improvements to go. Enjoy the bike!!



Mar 23, 2001
Thanks guys. I think I'll ride her stock next weekend and then go over it again and do some more tweeks. After each time of riding it's a little tweek here, a little tweek there, here a pipe, there a carb, everywhere a mod mod.


01 KDX 220R
84 Honda Magna VF700 (She's for sale if ya want it, Black, 11K miles, Recent carb clean, valves timed, refurbished gas tank, runs mint)
01 TTR 125-L (Girlfriends)
86 Honda Rebel 450 (Also girlfriends)


Jan 6, 2001
You probably won't need it, but it wouldn't hurt to get a plug caddy and a couple extra plugs just to take along.

Easier than pushing...

Nobody loves a Charlie in the box...
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