Just thought I'd tack a few things onto Brian's thread since they are semi-related:
1. When I post a reply using the old method (not the quick reply field), it doesn't take me directly to my post, it takes me to the top of the page that my post is on.
2. If I go directly to the photo page from outside of DRN, all I can see are the little "red x's" instead of the pics. It's as if the pic page can't read my cookies. If I come to the forums, and then go back to the pics, I can see them, but I have to "checkk in" here first.
3. Is there any way to go back to having a picture brought to the top of the page if someone posts a comment on it? As it stands now, if someone were to post a new comment to a pic, that pic stays on page 20, or wherever it is at the time. Someone's pics don't come to the front page unless they have added a new picture.
4. I'm pretty sure I had another freaky thing going on, but my old age strikes again...
Just thought I'd bring this stuff up in case you weren't aware of it. No biggie. *Cuzin Eddie voice on* "I didn't come to impose..."
Brain overload.
I'll look at these issues when DW is over.
About the red X's in the photo album. Make sure you are going to the new address (see photo's at the top of each page) The old one is still there (upgraded from a perl program to php a while back). if the addy you are going to has .pl in it, you are at the old one.
Example: click bswift's avatar... it's linked to the wrong photo album. (it can be changed in his profile, in the space for web address).
Ok, I went in and changed the .pl addresses to .php. Everything looked good until I clicked the quick link to the main forums page. Now I am "mark cooper". http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/index.php
I'm going to quit thinking about this, my brain hurts from all this identity issues. :think: NOT :scream:
When I first looked at that I thought it said Brian overload. I was just glad that someone else had experienced it. Then I read it right. ;) Just kidding buddy.
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