Street - Dirt?


Feb 17, 2004
Hey guys, this is my first post here. I got referred here from because i'm interested in dirt riding. Here's my motorcycle background. I've been riding street since september and graduated from teh MSF program. I own a 1988 Honda Hawk GT (647 SOHC Twin :yeehaw: ). Originally i was planning on using it as a track whore/fun street bike. But now i'm thinking about going with a dirt bike. I've never owned one and am interested in maybe going mx racing. Whats a good first dirt bike that could eventually be raced, but could be taken out to the desert (i'm in az)? How hard is it getting into racing? Eventually i'd like to be doing some road racing, but hey dirt riding never hurts right? Oh yeah, i'm 20 5'7" 140lbs if it helps you guys get an idea. Thanks



Jan 30, 2003
Hello Andrew and welcome aboard!

I go by In The Trees on sbn. I think I may have referred you to this site. Anyway, I think a good bike for a beginner in mx would be either a 125 2 stroke or 250 4 stroke. Unfortunately it either one will pbobably leave you wanting more power in the desert. I would probably lean more toward the 2 stroke because while all the modern dirtbikes require a lot of maintenance, the 2-stroke is probably a little easier to work on, not to mention a whole lot cheaper.

Happy hunting!

Jack :aj:


Jul 26, 2002
An older Yama WR250 would be an excellent choice.....One of the best YZ engines ever to date, Wide Ratio trans, MX susp, extra flywheel weight, etc. There should be a lot of good used ones in AZ to be had.

Of course...I'm biased as this bike is the poo


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Or take a YZ250 and gear it... I would stay away from the 125 for desert work - to easy to burn down.. The CR250 would probably be ok too be you would need a steering dampner cause they get real busy in the front at high speed.
Yea, you know, the more I think about it that older WR would be great for that application - as I recall they even had a lighting coil under that flywheel - NIGHT RIDING IS AWESOME!!
Good idea there Fuzzy!


Jul 26, 2002
Yeah, lighting coil, but no lights -- kinda stupid if you ask me....The WR200 had em. I'm equiping mine this weekend.

As to not be so baised, any 'enduro' 250 would be well suited for AZ. Wide ratio trans is the key. You'll have a grannyish 1st for any tight stuff you may encounter, and could still have a 100mph top speed. You'll see plenty of wide ratio, lighted two strokes in AZ. Other models with the features I mentioned are KTM EXC, Suzuki RMX (out of production, like the 2-st WR), Kaw KDX (little low on power for desert), ATK's, GasGas EC, TM.

I love my WR as it's not THAT out of date frame wise(fits me well)---it's basically a 93-95 YZ250 so plenty of aftermarket goodies are to be had (cheap), and yama of troy still has enough NOS parts to build a bunch of 'em....

You could always mount a KX/CR500 like woodsy for some serious desert fun. No WR trans their, but they don't need it to pull a tall first. I think a 500 would still roost 1st if you could gear it for 200mph! Be careful if you go this route though...A 500 is cabable of running a 10 second 1/4 mile STOCK!


Oct 3, 2002
fuzzy said:
A 500 is cabable of running a 10 second 1/4 mile STOCK!

Is that for real?

I absolutely LOVE my 500, but it's probably a bit much for a beginner.

Lok47 said:
? Eventually i'd like to be doing some road racing, but hey dirt riding never hurts right?

Dirt riding is great practice for street riding or road racing. It teaches you how to control a bike that's out of control. Kenny Robert's sons grew up riding in the dirt with the road racing legends of the '80s. They ain't too shabby on the road, now are they?
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