Stroker header and Supertrapp I.D.S.2 on KLX 300?


Dec 11, 2000
I have heard very good things about this combonation and would like to know what you think. I have heard this adds alot of power in the low to mid range which is exactly where i want it. Also the supertrapp weighs 2.5 pounds instead of 8. I know i want the stroker header but im stuck on the can and leaning toward the supertrapp. I don't want to spend anymore then $200 because that is all that they are worth. Any help would be appreciated. O yea i would get the race core for the supertrapp and i have already read the planet KLX thing. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.:)


Nov 8, 2001
stroker header yes the muffler well they say the stock muffler with plug removed and perhaps a turn dn tip is as good as most.just get a pumper carb to go with the pipe.

Mike Hubert

Apr 22, 2001
I put the Supertrapp on my KLX, removed the airbox lid, revented the crankcase, went up a couple sizes on my main jet and it was a new bike.
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