I'm moving back to Japan soon (lived there from 1992-96) and was going to buy a new street legal bike to take with me to Japan. I found out today that because of the Kyoto Treaty the Japanese instituted a new law this year mandating emissions testing of all motorcycles brought in to the country (manufactured after April 2001). There are only 2 testing locations in all of Japan (Osaka and Tokyo, nowhere near where I will be living). The testing along with the paperwork takes 2 days and costs $1,000. The testing is required even if it is a Japanese motorcycle manufactured in Japan. This law has affected the domestic Japanese motorcycle market as well causing prices to rise by about $100 per bike. The Japanese test 10% of all their bikes coming off the assembly line, hence the increase of $100 dollars per bike vice $1,000. I truly hate the eco-Nazi socialists that drive this kind of regulation designed to cripple capitalism and surpress the pursuit of happiness in motorsports. This ridiculous treaty will affect us all if it is adopted by the U.S. Beware and write to your elected representatives.