suggestions for next bike


May 5, 2008
I was wondering what would be a good bike for me. I already own a n 06 kx250f... its a good bike but i have a brother and we were both looking to race this season. I've been riding for about a year and a half and the 250f seems to have lost the kick i thought it once had. I was thinking about an rm250, a 450 would take a year of spending... so tell me what you think.



Apr 18, 2006
Do you think that the bike has actually lost power or has your skill increased and now the power isn't enough?

If you are looking for a new bike because the bike you already have needs maintenance then I think you are going about this all wrong.

If you are looking to race, the first step would be to establish what class you would like to race and buy a bike that would be competitive in that class. You probably don't want to race in a 250+ open class. Go to the track, check out the races, see what class you would feel comfortable in and buy a bike that fits that class.

If you want more specific help then you need to fill out the "sticky" form located at the top of this forum.

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