Sunset Ridge 9/26/04


Aug 30, 2002
My riding buddy and I decided to go there for their practice day on Sunday. We have ridden at other tracks before for open practice so I kinda knew what to expect, boy where we surprised. I know when we pulled in we where in for a great day, lots of bikes. We go to pay and they asked us what class, I was alittle cot off guard and say C. Most places we ride it is just everyone going at once, kids on 50's to big quads, all at once. This place breaks it up, what a great idea. Well we unload and get ready, and watch the A and B riders, man they where flying, we are also looking at the track 6" of loom, freshly watered. We looked at each other and started laughing, loom, most places we ride this time of year are concrete hard and blue groove. So we go out and line up for are first sestion. There must have been 40 bikes in our class, awsome. We were passing people and people were passing us for the whole 20 minutes. We went on to do this 5-more times that day. That is probly the most fun I have had on a bike my whole life. They even went out and watered and groomed the track half way through.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
mx211 said:
It that place open again...?

It was never "closed"? They take off a few weeks in July, but other than that, Sunset Ridge has open riding/racing from March to November (and even over the winter if the weather cooperates).

Great track for sure!
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