Suspension not sounding so good....


Apr 28, 2000
I went riding today at a gravel pit near the airport here. We were hitting some pretty sweet kicker style jumps with virtually no landing. I bottomed the suspension a few times. At the end of the ride I was starting to hear something when I hit bumps at slow speeds. So I packed the bike on the back of my friends truck and called it a day. When I unloaded the bike I looked into the matter a little more and found that the forks are making a funny sound when I compress them. It makes a sound that is hard to describe, almost like gravel rattling around inside (obviously not the case, but the only way to describe it). When I jam on the front brakes while moving with the bike it make a bit of a clang noise. It almost sounds like something inside is loose.

I have never had suspension apart before, but am certain I could probably handle taking it apart (with the help of my manual). I was planning to install the stiffer race tech springs in winter, but looks like now is the time. I would like to leave it be as it really doesn't seem to effect the suspension a lot, but working in an automotive related field I realize that the longer things are left, the better odds they will destroy other things.

So could anybody take a shot at what might be wrong before I tear into it?

BTW, if I don't respond in the next couple days it is because I am going on a bit of a road trip to pick up a truck for my uncle.


May 4, 2004
Sounds like the damping rod backed off the cap. That lets the spring rattle around and make noise. Also not good for the rod or cap. Good Luck, YZ165


Apr 28, 2000
Looks like you hit it right on the head. I pulled the caps off today and took a look. It appears as though the damage is confined to the fork cap (threads are messed up) and adjuster rod (bent). I have a feeling the price on the fork cap is going to scare me.


Feb 24, 2003
your problem may be caused by clogged valves when this happens you will start destroying the inards--you should change your fork oil at least once a year and if it is fouled you need to take it all apart and clean every thing-- while you are at it you should clean and lube the swingarm pivot and the shock linkage and take the shock in and have it serviced as well--- you wont belive the differance in preformance---lots of guys forget to do this as part of normal mantainace and suffer for it with out ever being aware of the loss of preformance


Dec 29, 1999
Brian this is off topic but I see you are not registered or I would send a PM

I have a set of forks for a 1985 CR that I would like to unload - you would have all the spare parts you need - I think they are off a 125, maybe someone knows if the 250 forks are different

You could get them for not much more than the fork cap will cost you
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