Swithcing from 100 octane to 92


Aug 5, 2002
I bought an RM 250 and the previois owner was using 100 oct. race gas. I don't need to do this, and choose not to for obvious reasons. Is switching to premium 92 oct going to cause probs.I was told there would be more goop coming out of the SparkArrestor, that doesn't bother me. I worry about fouling plugs ect
Thanks C-dawg


Aug 5, 2002
the previous owner didn't mention that it was jetted, all he said is that it won't burn as clean, and may leave more sut at the end of the S.A. So on saturday I'll give it a whirl and see what happens. I f it was jetted and I run pump gas, what will some of the symptoms be?
thanks canook
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