
Mar 26, 2002
i talked to scott harden (marketing VP i believe) at the las vegas supercross and the word is, is that there will be an 85 for '03 but it won't be out until mid-december and numbers will be very limited.


Feb 25, 2000
The head of KTM LatinAmerica was here last month and he said the 85sx will be out at mid 2003 and just after that the LC8 for the masses. He said a few things about the new 450 and the all new 250 2 stroke that were spot on, so I guess we can trust him.


Aug 8, 2001
I wouldnt want one.....You couldnt get parts for them....They would probably be the fastest....But just like their bigger bikes the aftermarket parts will be harder than crap too get.....Stick with a YZ.....The new CR is looking good though!


Feb 29, 2000
Getting parts for a KTM are no harder or worse than getting parts for any of the Jap bikes around here. I know of Jap dealers that don't stock much of anything. Parts are either on back order or the dealer only orders once a week.

As for aftermarket parts, pipes, pistons, sprockets & chains, handle bars, etc.... are all available for the KTM's. Plus, there isn't a lot of items that you have to upgrade on a KTM like you do with a Jap bike.

If we could get em, we'd get two of the new 85's.


Jun 22, 2002
yeah by the time they have alot of them out i would have outgrown it cause im 5'4 so im probally going to get a 125 exc


Jun 16, 2002
There will be 100 ktm85sx in the country to be released. The top two KTM dealers in each state will get one. The problem is that a manufacturer must make 250 bikes and send them to dealers to be able to race them in ama so even if you get them (and we are slated to get one from our dealer in like dec) I dont know that you will be able to race them in the big races or without being protested. If you are serious about racing and are going to buy ANY ktm then when you buy a ktm you should have yer dealer stock a top end and other parts that you need. When we raced 65's we MADE our dealer stock the parts ahead of time in order for us to even buy the bike. Any parts that arent in stock are two days out of a place in Idaho so I always laugh when I hear that people are having problems getting KTM parts. You know that if you race you will need a clutch kit, top end, oem levers if you run them, and wheel/linkage bearings. So instead of buying junior that 350 dollars in accesories like pipes and tricked out wheels and pro tapers, buck up and buy the stuff you KNOW you'll need.(ok bring on the hate mail)


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
NO hate mail here. My son races a Cobra 50. I have rings, clutch, cutch springs, plugs, wheel bearings, Carb bits, inner tubes, levers, cables, brake shoes sprokets...all in a small box. Funny thing is on a few occasions people at the track have bought stuff from me because the local track support Cobra guy didn't have the parts they needed or didn't show up. I wholeheartedly agree with you. The only time we didn't have the parts to fix our bike on the spot was siezed countershaft bearings.


Jul 11, 2002
I have the same problem
I have been askin everyone if they knew if there was going to be a ktm 80 or 85. Everyone has said mid 2003 but by then i'll be on a 125 anyways so that sucks to be us huh. I feel ur pain though cause we have the same problem.


Apr 12, 2003
we have a 04 105sx us canadian's got 50 of the 105 and we have one and so far the only kid riding one in Western Canada.with a set back this last wkend he will be out on April 18 riding the supermini and maybe 125 beg class.Still riding a YZ85 my son says the 105 feels lighter and he feels more comfortable on it.I will check in from time to time and see how other peaple are fairing out with the 85sx and 105sx. Paul
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