Taxed to death


Oct 7, 2000

Boortz has been here in Alanta for many years and has been syndicated for the last few years. He's more a Liberatarian than a conservative. If his show is in your area you should check it out. I love it when a ******* calls in and proclaims his "right" to healthcare/new car/ a nice house. Neal has a field day.

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Oct 30, 2001
How about that! Let's try the following...

**** (GWBUSH)
**** (ALGORE)
******** (KiddyDiddlers)
********** (Republiklan)
******** (Democrap)


Apr 15, 2002

Where do the tax's stop?? Im underage, a minor, and i shelled out $537 for social security. Granted, by the time im 65, the social security program will be done away with, but hey don't give me an option.

And dont get me started on the soda tax! THE government can NOT tell me what i can drink! COurse they do when it comes to alchohol :think:, thats it, im writting a letter to the president, no tax's on booze, and definately none on soda!


Aug 11, 2001
The way I look at it is this: We have a very high standard of living in the U.S. and we like to think we live in the greatest country in the world. I guess you've got to GIVE something in order to GET something, right?

Senior KX Rider

Super Power AssClown
Nov 9, 1999
No problem with giving BUT I'm tired of them pissing my money away and telling me I don't give enough :moon: I saw a report on CNN yesterday that dealt with how people felt about how much tax they paid. They had it broken down in income groups and the lower brackets overwhelmingly said they were happy. They had the bracket for what they called "RICH" set at $70k. I could not believe it. They called that rich and one of the anchors made a comment about how those people could afford a little more than they are paying now. EXCUSE ME but I am not rich and I think I pay more than enough already. Wish they would have called me for their poll :p :p


***** freak.
May 5, 2000
Originally posted by Senior KX Rider
one of the anchors made a comment about how those people could afford a little more than they are paying now.

As if they are qualified to make judgements as to how much someone else can "afford". :silly:

That's good. Let's determine our rate of taxation by how much we can afford to pay. Unbelievable. :|

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
70 kpa isnt rich, but if you mean the top income earners paying the most tax, it works the same over here.
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Oct 7, 1999
Originally posted by Battered Sav
I just cant see those $3 milllion share packages ceo's etc receive being taxed at the same rate as my wage.

Me neither. I mean, let's assume you make 70k, and pay 25%, or $17,500 (in reality it would be much less, since the first sums are taxed at little or no rate). Why should he also pay 25%, when that equals $750,000, or 43 times as much as you? Heck, that's more than you'll probably pay in your whole life, and he has to pay it every year? Hmmm. . . we should lower his rate to about 2.5% to make it fair.

and btw -- he doesn't get taxed the same rate as you -- he pays at a higher rate. Unless you are "rich", too (by someone else's definition, of course).


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Battered Sav, In this country, for the most part, a man works hard and strives to succeed to gain wealth. It's a damn shame he has to be penelized for his ambition....the lack of ambition has NEVER made one wealthy, nor wise for that matter, yet those who excel in it are rewarded.
Thing is, if we let the ambitious guy loose and let him excel in his endeavor, he can take many of the less than ambitious with him for the ride. Folks tend to become a bit more ambitious when they are rewarded for hard work and lofty goals because there is no limit to what they can obtain.
There are always going to be those who are less than honest, but place unfair burdens on them and they tend to look for more ways to protect thier wealth. Who's to say that just because a man makes more money his burden to society should be more than the next guy?

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
Wow, quoted by DRN stalwarts like Jaybird and Longtime, I'm excited, without that hollow feeling I get from the username hack.
I also shouldn't post from work when I'm on nightshift.
Longtime, Jaybird, I'm sorry. Things like this constantly in the news hit a nerve, once again sorry.
It is also two different systems, I know very little about yours.
As to the original post, I'd like to think it's a levy to ensure the correct disposal of the tyre at the end of its life, but it will probably go into general revenue.
Does anyone have any more info, surely they gave the tax a name?
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Feb 16, 2002
I didn't realize this thread would bring rise to such an active discussion. I'm glad to see people feel strongly about this. The range of responses has been a very interesting read.

"Time for another tea party"

That hits the nail right on the head in my opinion. Is that what's it's going to take to put an end to the taxation madness in this country?

I'm not talking about Federal income tax here. Last year I paid about 13 percent in Federal income tax which I think is tolerable. I'm talking about all the ridiculous taxes we pay when purchasing products and/or services. There are too many to mention, but I think you know what I'm talking about.

I'm also peeved about all the mystery acronyms that represent deductions on my paycheck. There's a few of them and add up to a fair amount of money. I don't even know what they are for or why they are there.

I got nailed by the death/estate tax a couple years ago when I had a death in the family. It was pretty heinous, but at least that one is being phased out over the next 10 years. The governement actually did something to help the situation in that regard.

And yea, I am a registered voter and vote pretty reliably. I believe the majority of voters are in agreement on this issue. Has that made a difference? I have to say that it has not. But, since it is our only weapon against the kind of gross political atrocity, that's all we have. It's unfortunate that it does not appear to be enough.

- Craig
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Oct 7, 1999
Hey Battered -- of course I agree as to the rich folks who have the huge loopholes, and therefore pay nothing. But -- that's exceedingly rare now. The loopholes have been closed. Moreover, most of them were based on social engineering (build a windmill, get a tax cut; hire a Lithuanian, get a tax cut) that, like high taxes, is anathema to Conservatives and Libertarians.

As to the-1%-at-the-top-pay-50%-of-all-taxes: this is not a disputed figure now (though the tax-and-spend-and-hate-the-rich folks hope it is an unnoticed figure). I don't know where its origins are, but I can look.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
At the GAO.

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
Longtime, I've edited my earlier posts, actually got out of bed to do it, realised I was wrong, I'm in no position to comment on your taxes.
The 1%/50% thing, just seemed real scary lookin at all dem zeros in bsmiths post, even halved, it doesn't seem fair, but wow, that 1% sure must earn a lot if thats just their tax bill :eek:


Oct 7, 1999
Good Read for People Truly Interested in Tax Issues

As I was looking for the source of the stats as queried above (thanks Jaybird for answering that question), I followed the links to the following:

This is an absolutely surgical, concise, non-histrionic description of what's wrong with our (the US) tax system. (The cato institute is a thinktank that is libertarian in nature, but they are known for very solid logic/thinking -- and this particular article is perfectly non-political.)
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Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
Perfect, Longtime!

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
Jaybird, gao's a huge site, gotta go to bed and couldn't find the required info, I'll take your word for it, moreso after what I just read in Longtimes link.
Scary stuff, I know that you (U.S.) hold your constitutional rights very close to your heart.
How can a govt. dept. as fundamental as tax/irs? seemingly violate them so freely.
Still like to know what they called the new tyre tax.


Sep 15, 2000
Hrm, I usually end up with 3 seperate subtractions from a paycheck.

CIT - Canadian Income Tax

CPP - Canadian Pension Plan

EI - Employment Insurance

CIT is always the killer, the other 2 aren't to bad. These come right off the check, no if's and's or but's. We get free health care, no BMO's to deal with which I hear can sometimes be a PITA. But we get taxed through the a$$ on everyday things. 15% on ANYTHING you buy.(Ontario) Ok, except dairy products or something like that. Cars, food, houses, land, everything. Now, add ALL this up and compare it to what you have to deal with. I'm guessing most of you have it pretty good.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Here's another good link that distills all of that tax data-- clickHERE

And another commentary, discussing the use of the flat tax in other countries: CLICK

On the Tax Foundation website, the thing that I find interesting is a link that shows 15 cents of every dollar is spent on something called "Income Security". I know what Social Security and Medicaid and all those other things are, but I don't know what "Income Security" is... :think:

Ahh, I see..."Income Security" is just a nice phrase for all that other welfare programs out there. Not security for me, just for other people. :|

Battered Sav

Nov 16, 2000
Very good links LoriKTM, the Rusian information particularly interesting.
It's hard to comprehend the numbers are skewed that badly, scary.
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