Thank You Arizona!


Apr 3, 2010
ellandoh said:
we need 49 more to join in. if the feds are going to usurp the states rights then the states should start making it a little tougher on them. the feds path of least resistance needs a few speedbumps or even better, ROADBLOCKS

Hmmm! I smell succession in the air! And this, ladies and gentlemen is the beginning of the MANY things that will bring us the new civil war or what I refer to as CWII. Bullets and beans, bullets and beans!

Keep in mind, however, that there is a certain group/class/race of people that want this to be a race war but we must avoid that at all cause. We need to be going after the group I'm referring to. I will not tell you who it is now but I can give you a hint if you like. They comprise about 1.5% of the general pop. of the US but they occupy 40%+ of all the highest positions in the Fed. government. That is all! ;)


Jul 10, 2009
They do draw welfare, they use stolen social security numbers (maybe yours) they breed like roaches because their children automatically become US citizens and they therefor cannot be deported after they start spitting out kids.
It costs you, the US taxpayer, "BILLIONS", I'll say that again "B-I-L-L-I-O-N-S" of our tax dollars per year to provide these leeches with emergency & non-emergency medical care and other government subsidies, that you as a middle class working guy can't even qualify for.
I say put up a wall, string some razor wire, post signage that reads "IF YOU CROSS THIS LINE, YOU WILL BE KILLED!"
One and only One burst of warning shots, then follow the directions as posted !
Canada is different, they don't come here to act as leeches, they come to spend money. Plus they make good beer, even if they do still like the Queen!
I have read quite a bit about pre civil war America and the parellels are very eye opening.Slavery was not the cause, Government intrusion in to States Rights was the cause.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
No need to kill them, just toss them back over the fence. The few that get caught up in the razor wire will serve as a more clear warning than the english words printed on the signs :)


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
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