Red Rider 53

Jan 16, 2003
I just got a CR80! It is awesome. The power to weight ratio is amazing! I almost went over backwards twice. I stepped up from a XR100 and I haven't sold my 100 yet so we (my dad and I) took both of the bikes to a spot we really like to ride at. So my dad hops out of the truck and wants to ride the CR80. So I reluctantly handed it over. So I hopped on the 100 and caught up to him. He sees me coming and stops at a long straight away, there he challenged me to a holeshot. So we're lined up and my dad starts counting. He gets to go and we both take off. I blew past him on the XR100 and crossed the finish line and looked back to see my dad on his back. He has ridden all his life and under-estimated the power the CR, gunned it, and flipped over. After that I switched him bikes ( it was very funny to watch my dad ride a XR100) and all I did was trail ride the whole day and the CR was awesome, I love it! Also the suspention is great! It is an amazing jumper!


Dirtweek Junkie
Feb 15, 2002
Congrats!!! We have an 03 CR85 and it is nice. Enjoy the bike and be safe. Riding with your dad is something you will treasure for the rest of your life, so make sure your are able to be around that long. Wear your safety gear and have fun. Me & Josh love our time together. :thumb:

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