The 400 pits, Barrie ON.


Sep 15, 2000
Well, I finally made it out ot Barrie to ride the "pits". When I got there, I was a bit confused, was I in Barrie? or at Daytona Beach? There was so much sand, I almost wet my pants. After figuring out that faster is better, I had a killer day of riding. Met a really nice guy on a XR650, and man could he fly on that thing. I ended up busting my clutch perch when I heard him coming behind me, took it high on the berm to let him pass and ate it. He stopped and asked if I was ok. Lots of trails, LOTS of whoops, I mean lots. If you don't like whoops, this place isn't for you. Some really good trail riding to be had in the forest. This place is great during the week, but really busy on the weekends. More people get hurt crashing into each other, because alot of the trails cross each other. So some advice, go during the week. The guy on the XR said he had been riding this place for 10 years, and never on the weekends. I'd love to setup some kind of mini DRN spode fest there. Would be lots of fun.

Lots of parking, just a great place to ride with buddy's. If anyone is interested in hooking up for a day or riding, lets start a thread..
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