The Ant takes "1st Woman" at the Euro GP!


Dec 16, 2000
The Ant takes "!st Woman" at the Euro GP! okay, she was the only woman in her class that day. <grin> There was another woman there but she ran in a separate class to race directly against a friend.

The Euro GP is a located near Goldendale, WA.... 'bout an 1.5 hours from Portland, OR. We drove up Saturday morning and conditions were just great! Sunny, dry... and no mud in sight.

A couple of corners got a little dusty later in the day when the top riders would lap... But other than that... just great.

We spent some time on Susan's suspension settings on her BBR200 before the race. As she has gotten better/faster - we decided to set all the rebound/compression settings back to "standard" for both the forks and shock.

She said the first ten minutes were weird because it felt so much stiffer. Then she realized that she wasn't "bobbing" around so much in the whoops and braking bumps. Then she realized she was riding a gear higher everywhere and was haulin' a**...! (her words, by the way.... <grin>)

She did real well, had a ball, and despite having no direct competitors in her class - is very proud of this win/trophy - as she felt she was racing and "earned" it. Matter of fact, she was puttin' the hurt on a bunch of young boys racing two-smokes and XR200s. Lot of fun to watch from my normal "tow-truck" vantage point.

And how did I do? Was having great fun on the KTM 400 MXC until.... Came up to this one low jump.. on a straightaway... very slighlty downhill. No big deal at all. Didn't get big air but was in third and moving. Something funny about the lip of the jump kicked my rear wheel sideways. Wasn't paying enought attention and the front tire washed out on landing. Resulting in a HUGE body slam and major bruised ribs. Thank goodness for e-start. After de-embedding myself I was able to push the button and limp on back to the start. Later that night, had a coughing spell and ended up cracking a rib! owowowowowo.... it has not been fun this last week.

I met Susan at the start on her second lap - she was doing great and having a ball - so told her to go finish the race.

Despite my boo-boo..... it was a great day, great race. And I highly encourage ALL riders to play with your suspension settings. 'Cause if you don't - you may never know just how great your bike can be!

Oh yeah, Susan loaded the bikes, got us home, unloaded all the gear, and took great care of me. Guess I'll have to take her to Tahiti in December as a thank-you. <grin>

Cheers! - E-Ticket


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Congratulations Susan!! E-Ticket, hope your feeling better soon, The Ant is lucky to have such great support! Tahiti sounds like a good idea... Of course, if you've got pics of the race, you should bring them to Oregon!!

BTW, am I the ONLY ONE who cannot stop thinking about Oregon???? I can hardly wait! I keep making lists of what I need to bring, and diagrams of how I am going to best fit three bikes, three gear bags, three sleeping bags, a tool box and SparkyYZF and Hot4Teacher in the Silverado....

Thanks for the race report!!!


Dec 16, 2000
Nope. Susan's getting *real* Antsy about May 11.



Jan 31, 2001
Well done Susan !!..We'll have to call you The Flyin Ant!!

GETMETOCA... I am defininately excited !!..And I can tell you so are the ALL the others !! ..


Jul 12, 2001
Congrats to Susan..!!!
1st place IS great...and it was a LONG course!
I felt the same the week before at Starvation Ridge when I placed first. Even though I was the only woman to actually finish the race, it still felt good.
I can't wait to meet you next weekend!


Dec 16, 2000
Hey YHolley!

While my day didn't go so well.... Susan had a ball!
As in this is how stoked she was about doing well and getting a trophy.

She didn't look real close at the trophy until she got home. And the little action figure in the middle of the trophy? Was a guy on a 4-wheel ATV!

Man... the look on her face was priceless. Kinda' when a 5 year old realizes that the ice cream cone they're holding is a fake. I just 'bout fell down. <grin>

But it's cool. Gary Roe at HH said bring it in and he'll swap out the quad guy for the mo'sickle guy of one of his trophies.

Yup... we're both really looking forward to next weekend. My ribs may not be healed up enough to ride w/ Marshall and the guys -- so I'm hoping Ellen doesn't just chase me off or make sit in the car! <g>

Cheers! - E--Ticket


Sep 27, 2001

Congrats are in order! Can't wait to meet you and E-ticket next weekend!
Less than one week to go! What is the riding like in Oregon?? I have heard
some but don't have quite the "picture" in my mind.

See you soon!


Dec 16, 2000
Oregon riding? All depends on the area. In one part of the state, we have true high-desert and you'd think you were riding in Nevada or Arizona. Another section has truly old-growth, deep forest with rocky, muddy trails you can't walk up or through. Other places are woody but drier... it's lot like Northern Calif.

We got it all... just at different spots on the map. Cheers!
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