The neighbor kid.

flying flea

Mar 18, 2008
Sounds like the kid's attitude and disrespect took a full turn on him in the long run. I can agree with the people who comment about the parents being the ones responsible, and at the same time i cannot. When i just started out riding at age 9, i had no idea of dirtdiking whatsoever. My dad taught me things like not riding around the horses, pulling over for cars, (gravel road) and picking up trash you leave behind. I am grateful he instilled good values and responsibilities from the start. Now when i ride i can use common sense to tell me what i should and shouldn't do. Got pointed in the right direction and rode that way ever since. :cool:


Jan 29, 2008
i hate kids like that. i myself am 15 and i personally would have loved a neighbor like you. I don't relate to any of the kids at my school because there all into video games while i'm into fixing my vintage dirtbikes. i'm always hanging out with the older guys now because i relate to them better than these stupid kids my age. i like hanging around older guys because of the knowledge they have and what they can teach me and such. well thanks for atleast trying to befriend some teens but its teens like them who give the rest of us a bad name. :|

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
could this one be sticky to somewhere?
maybe general forum?
if not maybe to archives?

ol89´r, thanks...


Apr 28, 2009
I am just a kid myself(15 years old). I would have to say that being involed with any kind of recreational riding can get out of hand. This one time myself and my buddy were riding up in what we thought was state land, it turns out that some guy had put a tent up and called this land his own. It turned into a shouting match. Anyway to make a long story short, he yelled and yelled I was being my quite self, and I open my mouth to say that we were just riding on an older state trails map when he blew up on me. I had to tell him that he was out of line and that if he would quite down we would leave. He reluctently backed off and away we went. A couple days later we were riding a different section of trails and again we saw him, this time he didn't say a thing but he knew he wasn't in his "home" land and we rode. He let us continue riding and a little while later my bike had a problem. I couldn't get it back started, after taking a little break and he was following us at the time, and offered to help push us back to a localised area and I accepted he helped push my bike back to the road, and I thanked him. After pushing for so long the bike cooled down and I was able to get the bike started, and the man smiled and walked away. We haven't seen him in the last year now. The moral of this story: That even though one person was wrong once doesn't mean the other wasn't wrong. I personally would talk to this kid, tell him to fix his bike, offer to help, ask if he would like to go trail riding again, and let the past be the past and look to the future.


Mar 16, 2009
This really should be stickied. I second that motion.

Really neat addition to the story mdavidso. It's great the guy helped you so generously, and great you were able to accept that help with humility and gratitude-especially after such a poor start. :cool:

89r- your generosity/pay it forward attitude is without reproach. This read is still as good as the first time I saw it. Thank you.


Apr 22, 2008
Kid sounds like your average douche teenager. I'd be livid if my wife was almost physically harmed because of their stupidity. I bet he felt like an idiot after realizing how involved in riding you are :p


May 10, 2007
Glad to see this thread brought back up.

As many others have said it's all in the way the parents handle kids misbehaving. ALL kids will do it, but lately it seems fewer and fewer are punished for it. My bike would have been gone in an instant if I would have had neighbors complaining. My Dad took me around the neighborhood and had me get permission to ride my bike in the trails behind the neighbors houses as they were mostly walking trails. After talking with them, all the neighbors said it was fine as long as I didn't tear things up. My parents made me wait until 10 in the morning to ride. I never had any problems with the neighbors in the 8 years I rode in that small patch of woods. They would all wave or stop me so they ask how school was going or something. I think just getting to know the people who will see you out riding goes a long way towards them accepting it.


Oct 8, 2009
I understand your pain as i have been in nearly the exact same situation. It turned out that the friend (or the brother that moved out in your case) of the kid, was showing him all the wrong. After the bad seed went to jail (no surprise) i talked to the kid and he is now a great friend of mine and my weekly riding buddy. Great story though!


Oct 15, 2009
although predator would disagree, some of us teenagers (me) are only jack-asses around friends in private situations. i have fouled many plugs riding my rm 125 down the road to the trails than p-o the neighbors, also every car i approach has the right-of-way in my mind... but around friends i can raise a little hell (just not around adults). all teens are dumb, some cant hide it and look dumb to the world, the key is being able to hide it from adults


Sep 4, 2013
thanks for sharing your story. My neighbour has two kids. They are eally cute. they are also quiet. I ofthen do my deisgn at home a furniture store. When i feel tired and i will go to their home to play with them.

... and then I go and SPAM forums on the internet :whoa:
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Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
OK, Jerry Sherry...if that's even your real name, you sound like a spooky guy and I would keep my kids away from you, even if you eally like them..especially if you eally like them.

I suggest you eat 2 spam sandwiches and call me in the moring.
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