
Nov 25, 1999
Well here it is , the offical 2003 PNWMA racing schedule. Also included below is the calendar for the new Poker Run Series. Also the Vancouver Motorcycle Show is going to take place January 24-26th. I hope to see you there at the PNWMA booth. Otherwise enjoy the season.

Mike / Team Grizzly

Pacific North West Motorcycle Association

1. Filthy Pup Hare Scrambles
February 23, Hamilton, Wa.
Mount Baker Motorcycle Club
Dana 360 398-8954

2. Quick Shift Hare Scrambles
March 9, Herrling Island, B.C.
CR500 Club
Dave 604 823-4501

3. Main Jet Hare Scrambles
May 4, TBA, B.C.
Team Pagan
Todd 604 782-2514

4. Squealin’ Pig Hare Scrambles
May 17, Vernon, B.C.
Vernon Off-Road Motorcycle Club
Rob 250 542-0406

5. Ogopogo Cross Country
May 18, Kelowna, B.C.
Kelowna Dirt-Bike Club
Ron 250 769-3759

6. Piston Run Cross Country
June 15, Chilliwack, B.C.
Team Grizzly/Greater Vancouver Motorcycle Club
Michael 604 581-1725

7. Monkey Wrench Cross Country
June 29, Lytton, B.C.
West Coast Dirt Riders
Joe and Debbie 604 532-1632

8. Jackhammer ISDE
July 12, Baker Lake, Wa.
Team Crutch
Brian 425 378-9273

9. Mount Baker Hare Scrambles
July 13, Baker Lake, Wa.
Mount Baker Motorcycle Club
Lyle 360 563-2768

10. Toasted Hare Scrambles
August 3, Bellingham, Wa.
Mount Baker Motorcycle Club
Lyle 360 563-2768

11. Beyond Hope Hare Scrambles
August 17, Hope, B.C.
Coast Mountain Motorcycle Club
Jim 604 856-2510

12. Golden Spike Hare Scrambles
August 30, Reiter, Wa.
Stumpjumpers Motorcycle Club
J.R. 360 659-7123

13. Big Rooster Cross Country
August 31, Vernon, B.C.
Vernon Off-Road Motorcycle Club
Rob 250 542-0406

14. Corkscrew Cross Country
September 7, Vedder, B.C.
Cascade Off-Road Club
Ray 604 504-3956

15. Dirty Dog Hare Scrambles
September 14, Bellingham, Wa.
Mount Baker Motorcycle Club
Dana 360 398-8954

16. Something Nasty Cross Country
September 21, Kamloops, B.C.
Greater Kamloops Motorcycle Association
Chris 250 573-2883

17. Overlander Cross Country
October 12, Williams Lake, B.C.
Caribou Motocross Association
James 250 398-2930

18. Cowbell ISDE
October 26, Hamilton, Wa.
Mount Baker Motorcycle Club
Lyle 360 563-2768

PNWMA or NMA Licence required to ride any of these events. Available at signup.

Spark arrestor’s mandatory. Sound test at Washington events.

A rider’s best scores of the 18 events are totaled for Series Awards.

Masters - best 12
Veterans - best 8
Juniors - best 7
Experts - best 9
Seniors - best 8
Women - best 7
Intermediates - best 8
Super Seniors - best 8

Points are not transferable between classes.

One averaged score given to riders who work an event. Average based on best scores up to the maximum counted for any given class. Workers must ensure the sponsoring club has them on the workers list for points.

A rider who stops racing to assist someone injured will be given an averaged score for that event.

Veteran Expert and Veteran Amateur classes: age 30 plus at time of signup.

Senior Expert and Senior Amateur classes: age 40 plus at time of signup.

Super Senior class: age 50 plus at time of signup.

Women have the option of riding any class, depending on ability.

Riders must start and finish on the same motorcycle. Studded tires are not allowed.

Awards Night is November 22. Enjoy and good luck!


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Pacific North West Motorcycle Association POKER RUN SERIES 2003

1. Spring ATV and Dirt Bike Family Poker Run
March 2, Herrling Island, B.C.
Fraser Valley Dirt Riders
Scott 604-209-5153, Duane 604-882-7636

2. Monkey Wrench Family Poker Run
June 28, Lytton, B.C.
West Coast Dirt Riders
Joe and Debbie 604-532-1632

3. Big Rooster Family Poker Run
August 30, Vernon, B.C.
Vernon Off-Road Motorcycle Club
Rob 250-542-0406

4. Fall ATV and Dirt Bike Family Poker Run
September 28, Hope, B.C.
Fraser Valley Dirt Riders
Scott 604-209-5153, Duane 604-882-7636

Poker Runs are off-road non-competitive events that are designed to be ran on all sizes of off road motorcycles. Each event has several courses ranging from easy to difficult to suit all riders.
Events 1 and 4 permit the use of ATV’s and a portion of the proceeds go to PNWMA ISDE riders.

Events 2 and 3 are the day before the ORS cross-country races, see ORS, or PNWMA calendar for more details.


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Aug 8, 2000
Hopefully I'll be able to do Herrling Island, Squealin' Pig Harescrambles, The Ogopogo CC, and Beyond Hope Harescrambles this year. What is the difficulty of these events? I raced the Ogopogo last year, so how do the other events compare to it? Thanks.


Nov 25, 1999
Fatty K:

There is a Big Rooster poker run on Aug 30th. I miss the Night race too. I had fun stumbling around in the dark.


The level of the races should be all sort of be equal. The Quickshift (Herrling) is flat with some muddy sections. The organizers are trying to get away from the flat out fast sections. But there might be still a few. The Beyond Hope (Hope) is similar to the Ogopogo but it may have a few more fun and tighter sections. Also last year, the dust off the start was just plain nasty. But once you got past that it was quite good. You gotta try the Piston Run. It can be a bit tighter and a bit more of a technical race that anything else, but it's still a hoot. (But hey I'm biased.)

Mike / Team Grizzly


Aug 8, 2000
I have grad that weekend, otherwise I would race it. Graduation is more important than racing at the moment. Thanks for the info, I hope to go to the Quickshift, but it depends on the roads (it's about 5-6 hours away).
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