LoriKTM Super Power AssClown Oct 4, 1999 2,218 6 New Mexico Jan 28, 2002 #1 This is a great story written by Diane Alden, and shows how deep the corruption goes. Long article, but worth the time. http://www.newsmax.com/commentarchive.shtml?a=2002/1/27/192748
This is a great story written by Diane Alden, and shows how deep the corruption goes. Long article, but worth the time. http://www.newsmax.com/commentarchive.shtml?a=2002/1/27/192748
B BRush LIFETIME SPONSOR Jun 5, 2000 1,100 0 Jan 28, 2002 #2 Great article Lori. Depressing to read, but the story needs to get out. I was encouraged to see a main-line paper like the WSJ pick up on the Lynx data fraud.
Great article Lori. Depressing to read, but the story needs to get out. I was encouraged to see a main-line paper like the WSJ pick up on the Lynx data fraud.