Apr 19, 2000
My 2000 YZ125 was just stolen last night at about 4:30am. I live in the North Hills area of Pittsurgh PA. In a calm and quiet neighborhood, were theft has never been an issue, and last night my bike was stolen out of my truck parked in the drive way ready for an early morrning ride.
My Dad had just gotten in after closing up our tavern at about 4 in the morring, and he was watching tv. He heard a truck runnig out side and thought for a second, they aren't stealing the dirtbike? No its just the paper man he thought (As they come around about then, the post gazet has excellent service) any way. He went to go to bed about just after hearing the truck runnig and he decided to take a look out side, and low and behold the tail gate to my truck was down and the bike was gone. He then came down stairs and woke me with "Your bilke didn't just get stollen did it?" I immediatly jumped out of bed and was in a state of shock, I like alll of you eat sleep and live motorcyclces. This had to be one of the worst feelings I have ever had, and to think it was over a dirtbike; obsession? My dad said he saw a police car up the street and he was going to make a report. Luckly when he went up the the officer, he found out that they had just found some guy pushing a bike up the street. I had my bike back about 45 seconds away from my house and 30 minutes after it was stolen. Whew I dodged a bullet on that one. So I have a court hearing to prosicute this guy in a few weeks.
It appears that a truck drove up to my house and a partner got out to unload the bike and then the truck drove up the street where they were going to load up the bike so as to make as little noise as possiable. Luckly as the theife was pushing the bike up the street an officer just happendt to drive by him and see as how it was 4:30 in the morring he stoped to have a chat. Well the guy tried to start the bike and ride away but he was an idiot as he could not get it started and he was caught. The guys in the truck got away, though so if anyone from the Westview Ross area knows any thing?
I am relived and I have learned a valuable lesson. I just wanted to share this story that I am sure may of you have heared before. If any of you are a little lacks with your bikes security because crime is non-existant in your area, well you might be in for a surprise one day and well it isn't a good feeling.


May 6, 2001
I'm very glad you got your bike back in one piece and have a happy ending to your story. Make sure you follow through with all the court proceedings as much of an inconvenience it may be to you. This SOB must pay.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Glad you got lucky on this one. Now agree to and help in full prosecution of this guy. Many people decide it isn't worth it since they didn't lose anything. they also feel it is a hassle to make court appearances and meet with the prosecuting attorney but if you don't follow thru the next victim probably won't be so lucky. And for all those that swear cops do nothing but eat donuts and goof off think again more midnight shifters don't just stumble into scenes like this they do it because they really do know what is going on while we sleep


Jan 10, 2002
Crime is everywhere, here too and people who buy stolen property are just as guilty as those who steal it.

I am a strong believer of what comes around goes around and I give fellow riders the most respect possible with their stuff.

Face it this is what we love to do and spend all of our hard earned dollars on.
I am not ready to let anyone take that away. I went riding for the first time since I got ripped off, and it just made me realize how lucky I am to be able to ride and enjoy the outdoors. Even though I forgot half of my gear because the a-holes took my gear bag.:mad:


Dec 2, 2001
I had a 1999 pw 80 stolen right out of the garage. They picked the garage door lock and ganked my bike!!!!! I was so sad. Now every bike i buy has an insurance policy. If my cr80 ever gets stolen, the insurance company cuts a 2500 check to the dealer, where I can use it as credit towards a new or used bike they may have. Our garage now has a 1500 dollar alarm system on it. We live in a nice neighborhood (with most of the houses costing well over $600,000 ). My parents decided to buy a house here because they wanted to be in a good, safe neighborhood. Lately its been really bad. About once a month the alarm starts going off in the garage and the cops come, go in there and find no one, but once they found evidence that the padlock on my cr had been picked. (It was busted open with the pick hanging out of the keyhole!)

You got off lucky dude! Lock your bike up good!


Oct 5, 2001
Originally posted by RMXkid
after court you sould sue the person for damages and get some money from them for some mods. make them go down hard.

good idea. and once things settle down in a few months, pay some big biker guy to go over and smash the thiefs god damn face in! twice!

endosports , i am sorry about your gear bag buddy.

dell30rb, how secure was the garage lock? did the thieves know what they were doing, or were they just lucky?

i have two Kryptonite locks on my bike. one is a Evolution 2000 U - Lock, and another is the Noose, a 5ft chain with a disc lock on the end. does anyone know how secure these locks are? they were about the best ones i could find.


Nov 5, 2001
glad you got your bike back.

ive lost 3 bikes over my lifetime, my latest bike has 2 kyrptonite NY chains, 4 kyrptonite locks, one thinner cable lock and an insurance policy! if they want this bike they will have to cut the frame in 2 places, if that happens then at least i have done my job. one peice of advice is buy a big grey tarp (mine was a 16 X 10 foot tarp that they use to cover the load on the back of a truck, about 10 bucks from walmart) this camoflages the bike so well that it cant be recognised easily and is essential because i store it in a shared parking garage in my appartment complex. in my opinion is that thieves are readilly attracted to things on show, they cant help themselves so try to be a bit more secrative about you pride possession. one last thing is to be carefull where you ride, ive heard lots of stories about people being followed home after riding, then next day they awake to find everything gone! no matter how beat you are after riding allways lock the bike properly!

good luck



Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I suggest not loading up the night before.
It only takes a few minutes to load a bike.


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000

I have replacement cost insurance on all my toys. It's a nice security, but nothing is worse than waking up for a riding trip and finding your bike...is not there any more.


Nov 1, 2001
South Side

I'm glad you got your bike bike, I wasnt' so lucky. I live on the South Side of Pittsburgh and I had 2 CR250's Stolen from my garage on Halloween. Had that cop not stopped the theif you'd never had seen that bike again. Do you have a name of the guy who stole the bikes. It's possible (although not likely) that it's the same guy who stole mine. I'm friends with they guys from the Honda House on RT 51. They have received a ton of calls this winter about stolen bikes. Way more than they usually get.

I have a good idea of the name of the guy who stole my bikes. I got some tips from reward poster I put up arond the area. The guys name is Dale Egenlauf and I passed this info along to the cops. They have done nothing! This guy was supposed to be arrest around thanksgiving on some other charges. I haven't heard anything dispite repeated calls to the detective. I can't fine Dales address or phone number and the police won't give me the info either.

Nail this guy to the wall!
Apr 19, 2000
I am not sure who the guy is as of yet. The officer on the sence called in for us but he was unable to get an awnser. He said that we would get a call in a few days/weeks about a hearing and I just need to say that this guy did not have autorisation to be pushing my bike up the street. I agree with you guys we all need to do our part when we can to keep our neihborhoods safe and secure, so I will be there to tesify. I dont necicarialy want the guy to fry but I just want to make sure these guys dont just walk from some thing like this. Just trying to keep the pressure on all criminals I guess. As soon as I find out who was involved I will post the names. Its a real shame when someone has to steal from someone else, I mean come on we live in the land of oppertunity, the richest country in the world, go out and make your money legaly.
I do have to say thanks to all the police that keep our streets safe. If they had not been there or if the criminals were a little smarter my bike would be gone with little hope of return.


Jun 3, 2002
Leaving your bike in the back of your truck over night without it being chained down is asking for trouble. I can't begin to tell you the number of stories I have heard that the bike was gone the next morning.

Would you leave $4,000 laying on the ground in front of your house knowing that it would still be there the next morning?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
If you are gonna load up the night before, back your rig up to the garage so they can't drop the tailgate and get the bike(s) out. Simple, yet effective. Most criminals don't have enough ambition to try and pull one out over the side!


Jun 3, 2002
XRPredator is correct. I am glad that Ford puts locking tailgates in their newer trucks. Not only do I chain my down to the truck bed, I also attach a padlock to the rear rotor. It makes the bike alot harder to push down the street. If it doesn't work in the rotor, you can put one around the rear sprocket and chain.


Sep 22, 2000

Predator-- I wanted to say that! :whiner:

Guess I will have to set my alarm clock earlier to beat you. :)

For less than $20.00 you can buy one of them 20' plastic covered 1/4" steel dog cables, padlock and small tarp.

Most thieves will not bother if it takes effort.

Route cable through frame of bike--not a wheel, and then to a immoveable object.

Every year at Sturgis they have big Harleys stolen with locks and cables on them. Four big guys can pick one up and carry it off.

Nothing can be 100% theft proof, the key is don't make it easy on them.


Jun 5, 2001
Good to hear the outcome and I agree with Oldguy, things go on behind the scenes that you don't know about. You need to follow through though, don't shrug it off and figure that since you got your bike back, you don't need to do anything more. You think that this is the guys FIRST time? I think not.



Jun 5, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator

Was there any doubt? :D

YES!!! :) :moon:

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