Thinking it's time for a Top-End rebuild


Mar 12, 2007
Maybe I'm being paranoid after comparing my KDX to my YZ, but it seems as if the KDX is seriously lacking in compression...

I can move the kick starter through its stroke on the KDX with my hand pretty easily...that's never been a good sign if I recall correctly

The last bike I did a top end on was a 1982 RM 250Z (was out of riding for a couple decades) and things have changed a "bit", obviously.

Anyone know where I can pick up a decently-priced compression tester? And what range of compression for the KDX is considered normal?

I've been looking for a clymer manual for my KDX but it's been pretty difficult locating one thus far...most are for 200s and there's some sort of supplemental for the 220...

KDX220 Rider

Jul 28, 2000
You should be able to pick up a decent compression tester at an auto parts store.

The Kaw compression specs for a 220 are 95 - 151 psi (usage range).

Get the Kaw service manual. Yes, it's for a 200 but the service part of everything is the same. The 220 service supplement is a short booklet with the specs for the 220.

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