This sucks. SOmething went wrong again!!!


Jul 29, 2006
Ok im riding my bike and over shoot a double and the bike bottomed out, not crazy bottoming but enough to go "woops".

Anyways i keep riding and when ever i let off the gas the bike has a horendous vibration coming up from the engine into the radiators and tank. No Noise, just vibration.

Im thinking something just went loose and is hitting the right frequencies that the stuff vibrates crazy and whatever. But then my friend is trying to tell me that i blew a bottom end bearing. I dont know if this makes any sense though. The motor is still strong from the little i rode it back to the house.
And only vibrates on deacceleration. Also, thier are no knocking sounds coming from the engine.

I just am really starting to get annoyed. I mean i just put in a new top end two rides ago. And now this is going on.

I didnt think it was the motor but more expierence people think it is. I dont know what to think. WHat about you guys??

Could it be a frame crack????

PS: The bike is still over at the kids house and i cant pickup till monday. So i cant just run out and check to see what is going on right now.


Sep 15, 2005
I would first check the chain and spockets closely. Does it only have issues in gear while the bike is moving?


Jul 29, 2006
adam728 said:
My guess would be motor mount. I highly highly doubt you did anything internal.

that is what i said.

I guess i will find out tonight. Im running over with my dads truck once my mom gets home to pick it up (only have my permit)


Jul 29, 2006
i took it apart and found that the top motor mount was loose enough that i could spin it around. I think the frame must of twieked alittle or something enough to loosen it.

It seems back to normal but ill know for sure tomorrow when i get it back to get and ride it more. I could only start and sit on the frame rails (not good checking vibration if you know what i mean).
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