tips for sleeping in suv after sx race?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Boy I could tell you some things about work..........I'm earning those two bikes and truck.:think


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
Originally posted by BSWIFT
2 new bikes, a new truck, now, he's going to be packing

you forgot about the new toy hauler that cost more than my first house did.:debil:

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
Re: Re: been there !

Originally posted by JamesP

So what do you do when somebody is breaking through your window with a tire tool....lay there quietly and hope he doesn't choose to hit you with it?
hand him my key's! that's why I buy insurance! sounds like your a little paranoid. I'm not the world traveler, but I am very cheap! when on the road trip I usally spend a night sleeping in the truck heading out and one on the way back. so this is'nt any thing new to me. I've never had and trouble sleeping in my vehicle, most of the time it's running and the doors are locked. I sleep light if I see any one around me I'm gone! unless its a cop. they alway's stop and say high. if there's a problem they just tell you to move on after they do the license check I feel safer with a cell phone than a pistal any way's let the people who are trained do there job!
also with you being a newbee, don't be so rude!


Mar 9, 2001
Sleep in the frigging car. This thread is ridiculous!
Carry a gun? Are you kidding me? The odds of being assaulted while asleep in your own car is pretty slim compared to the odds of wadding your car into a flaming pile of twisted metal on the way home.
Go get a thermarest, take your sleeping bag and pillow, enjoy the race, and sleep like a baby in your car.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Re: Re: Re: been there !

Originally posted by 70 marlin

hand him my key's! that's why I buy insurance! sounds like your a little paranoid. I'm not the world traveler, but I am very cheap! when on the road trip I usally spend a night sleeping in the truck heading out and one on the way back. so this is'nt any thing new to me. I've never had and trouble sleeping in my vehicle, most of the time it's running and the doors are locked. I sleep light if I see any one around me I'm gone! unless its a cop. they alway's stop and say high. if there's a problem they just tell you to move on after they do the license check I feel safer with a cell phone than a pistal any way's let the people who are trained do there job!
also with you being a newbee, don't be so rude!

I am not paranoid but it sounds like you are in denial. It's not about the property.

After they break through the window, hopefully they'll give you time to dial the cops and wait the 10-15 minutes for the trained people to get there before they beat you to death for the heck of it. What makes you think that they won't take the phone too. It's a good thing you leave it running for them so they won't have to ASK for your keys. Oh, I know "comply and give them what they want and they won't hurt you". BS!

I am glad that all of you are not familiar with car jackings, violent robbery, or felonious assaults yet. It is also apparent that none of you have had the pleasure of being in law enforcement. Finally, disagreeing with ignorance is not the same as being rude....newbie or not. Just because you are inept with a pistol doesn't mean it is stupid for those who know how to have it available.


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by JamesP

Since you are done...I'll be done also.

I thought we were done with this?? :think

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
they'd take a look at my truck, they'd shoot the chicken for me

comply and give them what they want and they won't hurt you".
are you sure your not paranoid? :confused:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Nevada, there's a big AL rest stop on I-20 West just across the GA state line. It's about 60-70 minutes from the I-285 perimeter, so it's do-able. I always drive straight back to B'ham after the race, and it's a looooong drive.

If you get hasseled by the man, just call me. I have bail money.

James, why don't you and marlin get a room? :p
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Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
Nevada, there's a big AL rest stop on I-20 West just across the GA state line. It's about 60-70 minutes from the I-285 perimeter, so it's do-able. I always drive straight back to B'ham after the race, and it's a looooong drive.

If you get hasseled by the man, just call me. I have bail money.

James, why don't you and marlin get a room? :p

One more thing. . .I'll wager any amount of money that Stewart will NOT win the Atlanta SX.

OOPS! Wrong button! :confused:


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
The coolest thing about sleeping in the car is you don't have to get out of bed to get some McDonalds! On one of my many roadtrips in highschool, I drew the short straw and had to sleep in the driver's seat in an Isuzu Trooper (manual trans). Woke up in the morning before anyone else, still in my bag, started the car & popped the clutch right away- scared the holy heck out of everyone else. I made up for it by sporting at the drive-thru.


Oct 30, 2001
I sleep in my van all the time, at the beach, on road trips, sometimes just at the local bars if I've had one too many. So many times that I couldn't even count. I slept in the back of my mazda pickup truck at a truck stop in Des Moines Iowa once when I was 18. Never had a gun or so much as a butter knife for protection and I sleep like a baby every time. Never once had a problem.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Re: Re: Re: Re: been there !

Originally posted by JamesP

I am not paranoid but it sounds like you are in denial.
Just because you are inept with a pistol doesn't mean it is stupid for those who know how to have it available.
JamesP, forgive me if I restate the obvious. Gun laws vary from state to state. What one particular state accepts as legal could be a felony in another state. I will, as many other on DRN, will defend the right the bear arms. However, the right to bear arms does not necessarily mean that you can carry a loaded firearm LEGALLY in you car. The advice given that said to leave the "heat" at home was sound advice although it differs from your point of view. Portraying someone that you do not know as "paranoid or enept" serves no purpose to your arguement. If you choose to carry a firearm, legally, more power to you. If you carry a firearm, illegally, you run a much higher chance of becoming a statistic. By all means defend yourself if attacked but to walk away from the threat of attack is much more prudent AND is recommended by all law enforcement agencies.
BTW, it is common practice for law enforcement to check motor vehicles out that are parked. Many times it is merely to check if everything is alright. Other times, occupants are checked for sobriety or contraband. I am not niave but rather I am cautious not paranoid and I am definitely NOT ENEPT.
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Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
On hunting tripsI used to take the back seat out of my 77 Blazer and stuff a twin bed mattress in the back.Take a few extra blankets and you won`t even need to run the engine.As for taking a gun check out the laws first some gun shops sell a book that has the gun laws of all 50 states.Some states also allow you to use your states concealed weapons permit. Just CYA and have a great time.
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