tire won't seat


Mar 7, 2001
I just changed my back tire today and in one spot on one side the bead won't seat. How much pressure do I dare use to get it to seat? I've never had this happen before. Or what else can I do?

David Trustrum

Jan 25, 2001
Don’t go crazy, 50psi is as high as I ever go with inner tubes. Check the valve is still free & not pinched at the sides by the tire edges. Same with rimlocks.

You can then use some soapy water, but don’t go crazy & you don’t want to use silicone or the tire will slip & tear the valve out of the tube.

If your tire is oversize for the rim it may never seat poperly.


Apr 2, 2001
If i cant get the bead to seet in one place, i let all the air back out and take a tire iron and push the bead down in that area, so that i can get lots of soapy water in there.Then i start putting air in the tire, while watching that area. I've had to take tires over 50 psi to get them on the bead but that was crazy. Also if you bounce your tire on the ground that also helps to or just take a rubber mallet and pound on the area of the tire that wont go on the bead.


Mar 7, 2001
I had already gone up to 45 and that didn't work but I did what CR125 said, let out the air,resoaped that area, and pumped it back to 45. It finally seated. Thanks. It was strange, it didn't pop like I'm use to, it sort of slid real slow into position. But whatever, it's on and as soon as the air filter dries so I can oil and reinstall it, the bike is ready to ride.

Buzz Bomb

May 9, 2000
I think that Armor All works great for installing tubes and tires. It makes everything slick when its wet, and once everything is seated and the tire inflates, it dries out.


Ortho doc's wet dream
Nov 24, 2000
a couple of years ago, i saw a video where ty davis recommended using 409 on the rim and tire to make it slick. i've been doing that ever since. it works. i also use the bouncing and rubber mallet method that cr125king mentioned. it has never failed.
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