I recently purchased a 2000 KDX 200. It has the UFO Twins headlight assembly with the 2 12V 35W bulbs. I love the way it looks, but honestly, it does not provide enough light for night riding. I ride quite a bit at night in thick woods and need a little brighter light. The assembly is white with a black pre-cut number background. It is in very good shape. One of the rubber straps is torn, but you can buy a set of 4 for $7.00. I am looking to trade with someone for a stock headlight assembly that's in good condition. If anyone is interested, let me know! I will be happy to send pictures to anyone who is interested. Thanks!
Here is a website with a photo of the light in case you don't know what it looks like.
Here is a website with a photo of the light in case you don't know what it looks like.