Trail Tech and KLX110


Feb 3, 2004
My sons b-day is coming up and he is really enjoying his KLX110. On his pedal bike, he loves the speedo as he can tell how far he has gone, how fast etc... He also loves to keep track of the miles he rides every summer.

this got me to thinking that maybe he would enjoy the same thing on the KLx as he has on his pedal bike.

while searching here and on the net, I came across the trail tech product - looks like it is exactly what I am looking for. While searching the trail tech page, I could not find his bike in a kit form. No big deal until I started to search around and couldn't find any drum brake installs except on one ATV. I called Trail Tech and they do not have experience with this bike, nor the Suzuki counterpart.

Anyone here with experience on the trailtech mounted to drum brakes? Would I just epoxy a magnet to the drum somewhere?

Thanks for the help.



Apr 6, 2002
I wouldn't know why you couldn't do that. When I bought my Trail Tech, it came with 2 magnets. One made into a rotor bolt & another by itself for glueing on. Mine is on a KLX-300. Got mine at that auction place on the net. Saved a bunch.
Perry :ride:


Jan 8, 2000
I epoxied a small magnet from a Sonicare (strong). It worked pretty well the pickup I mounted with zipties and silicone.... SOunds funky but it did work... For a while till the sand got it...
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