Tranny question - friction coating?


Nov 14, 2000
I'm in the process of rebuilding my '04 KX 125 after one of the clutch bearings the shaft rides on exsploded. Causing massive deris in the bottom end, I have to replace 2nd/3rd gears new center cases and all new bearings/seals and center cases.

I was wondering if it be worth getting the gears and input/output shafts getting a lew friction coating done to them something like teflon but not exactly that. I wonder if it be worth while cause a couple of the gear teeth very ends got nicked slightly and where sorta rounded down causing some sharp edges. It's very minor just wondering if it's something worth while in cutting down on friction anyone have any experience in that?


Nov 14, 2000
That's where I was going to have the work done, my friend has them always thermal disperment coat his rad's and cylinders and just had them power coat his CR500AF frame white looks great! I want to know is it really worth the exspense?
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