
May 20, 2000
Here I am, parked at my computer watching snow blow & swirl around outside, feeling a little trapped. We've had 17 inches of snow dumped on us, the temp is hovering around 18 degrees and the wind is blowing out of the very frigid northeast creating snowdrifts everywhere. Arrgh! This is fairly extreme for western Washington and the road department doesn't have the resources to deal with it very well. Consequently all schools in the area are closed as are many businesses. Interstate 5 was even closed for a few hours last night. The hubby and I both got calls telling us work was cancelled today at our respective places of business due to dangerous driving conditions. PSA's on the radio are advising that everyone stay home. But, of course, the local ski area, Mt. Baker, is in full operation. They've received 132 inches of new snow over the last week, have the deepest snow base of any ski area in North America and I can't get there! My snowboard is tucked away in the closet until road conditions allow me & it to reach and ride the deep pow once again, my dirt bike is sitting waiting for it's obligitory bath following the weekend ride (but I don't dare do that in these weather conditions), my street bike is cringing in the back of the shop looking for the mercury to creep back up over 40 degrees and the driveway is full of snow encased vehicles. :bang: The weather report says we'll be back to normal by about Friday when it's expected to be about 40 degrees out and raining, but still snowing at Mt. Baker. Ahhh... return to the good life!

Hope everyone is having a good day. Guess I just needed to vent a little.


I feel your pain. It's -36 here and with a howling wind....the walk to school sucks. Worst part is being stuck inside with nothing better to do than study haha. I'd like to learn to snowboard this winter, give me something to do when I can't be biking.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
Usually I could say "I feel your pain", but right now I don't! :nener:

Here in Michigan it's been in the mid-upper 50s and sunny. A little weird for this time of year, but I'll take it. One of the outdoor tracks opened up over the weekend for a possible last open ride for the year. Can't trail ride b/c of the hunters w/guns AND my shoulder is jacked wait maybe I do feel your pain, except that I'm warm and dry. :nener:

When you are able to get that snowboard out, enjoy some it for me. As we don't have any ski areas open yet. Also, with my shoulder not sure if I'll be able to snowboard this winter...if it comes...

Sorry...had to rub it in that for once we are having great weather...although it could be blizzardy tomorrow!!

Enjoy the rest of your snow day. I live half a mile from work so I can't really get "snowed in"...


May 20, 2000
Definitely getting a taste of what it may be like to endure a winter in the mid-west. That would be a very small taste, as our stretch of inhumane weather should only last a few days. Following that it's back to year-round dirt bike riding. A tip of the visor to my fellow DRNers who have to retire their bikes for the winter months. I'm starting to see that a sled would be a nice option to have waiting in the wings... :nod: There's just no such thing as too many toys!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
zero_it said:
I'm starting to see that a sled would be a nice option to have waiting in the wings... :nod: There's just no such thing as too many toys!

Never enough toys....unless you are on VERY limited space like us!

I'm sure we'll get hit anyday now. We won't get squat and them BAM just like that we'll have a full on lake-effect snow storm. Then that's when I'll wish I lived somewhere else for the winter.


Sep 16, 2006
Seen the Southern Vancouver/Washington snow storm on tv today. Looks harsh.

We're expected to get 10-15 cm tomorrow. Yeesh.


Sep 16, 2006
Well, it's hit.

14 cm of snow fell today as of 3 pm this afternoon. They've issued another warning for another 10-15 cm by tomorrow morning. :bang:


It's been snowing like crazy here to, today it even hit -40 (with windchill of course....) I am not a happy camper!!!


Aug 13, 1999
Spokane got dumped on last night, again. Woohooo we'll be sledding allllllll weekend! We got a couple good rides in last weekend and it just keeps getting better & better.

Looks like this is going to be a killer winter here FINALLY!!! About time, we only get a dozen rides at most on the sleds lately. You need a sled zero_it, that's gotta be the only toy you are missing anymore, especially if you ever get that jetski back up & running!


Nov 9, 2006
yes i feel ur pain man..i live in b.c the vancouver surrounding area..n man is it bad out here the past couple days not bad today though still got lots of snow on the ground just glad the ground isn't frozen like the last couple days it was literally HELL to drive around in flipped over on the highway Abandoned cars was brutal but im just sitting here twiddling my fingers lol ..waiting for the winter to end even though it has just begun o well theres always snowboarding


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
We FINALLY got our snow! 60 degrees the other day and now BAM today it's like 30 and we have 5" of snow and it's STILL coming down hard.


May 20, 2000
Got to go snowboarding today. Now everything is going to be OK again!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I won't be clear to go snowboarding for at least 6weeks...AFTER my PT on my to. We got another 5" today and it's still coming down.


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
I'll start another thread on it....don't want to hijack (anymore than I tend to do!)


Sep 8, 2006
I went riding. ooops sorry. :nener: Well, you guys rub it in when its 200 degrees out here in the summer and your out riding and having fun. :)

p.s. have fun playing in the snow....Again, I'm jealous!


Stupid tires and trees
Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 19, 2002
progirlz said:
p.s. have fun playing in the snow....Again, I'm jealous! ya for the winter!

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