Went riding with a couple of local woods guys yesterday after getting into a big MX vrs Wood bench racing session the week before at the bike shop.
As you can imagine much trash talking,chest puffing and general pi$$ing ensued.
The challenge I come ride their loop and the next weekend they come ride my practise track.
Well here is the first part of what will be a two part post here are few things I learned about woods riding.
1. TREES ARE EVIL yup they are it's true trees are motorcycle hating demons that can and will move. Sounds hard to belive but a tree can jump into the middle of a trail.
How else to you explain flying through the woods and the trail getting tighter and tighter has to be the tree gettings closer hoping your to busy trying to chase the SLOW woods rider in front of that you don't notice them sneaking in on you.
Also their evil cannot be stoped even when dead some of the most evil trees are LOGS these sick creature lie in wait for you to come flying down the trail and then the tackle your wheel or bump you off track sending off to be gang raped by there friends the TREES!
I think riding a 2 stroke MX bike angers them even more perhaps it's a chain saw assocation?
2.Woods riders are lazy yup I also suspected it but now I have proof. Here I am humping my bike from every angle like a 10 peckered rooster in a hen house tryin to catch these lazy woods rider and they are just scooting allow braking,here,turning there up the hill down the hil left,right,up down,180 brake, climb a tree, cross a stream,Check GPS,have a latte.
Meanwhile I am riding the hell outta my bike Spin,Slide,Wheelie,Panic,stall jump,smack tree,stall,wheelie,lowside,jump hill,miss turn,stall,tree tackles wheel,stall etc. I'm sweatin my A$$ riding 110% and here these guys are taking breaks waiting for me siping latte outta their camel backs shhhhheeesh lazy I tell you.
All in All I had a great time and I must say humble pie don't taste all that bad I have a new found respect for woodsy folk however I still are looking forward to next weekend and the smack that will be put down as the woodsy learn about AIR!
Stay tuned Poppinsmoke out!!!!!!!!