Trials by fire


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
OK there really wasn’t any fire but one might have been nice. You see I went to my first trials school Saturday and it went a bit like this.
-Rain storm.
-Wake up and load bike in truck in nice drizzle.
-Drive 180 miles in steady rain.
-Get to parking lot (aka mud bog) and unload and gear up.
-Still raining.
-Go over bike setup and what effect different changes have.
-Still raining.
-Practice throttle control and figure 8’s with a nice marshy end on one of the turns using proper technique and positioning.
-Still raining.
-Down hills and up hills where I pull a nice sky wheelie, walk a few steps behind the bike, stop it, set it back on two wheels and take a bow to the applause of my classmates. :cool:
-Still raining.
-Instructor does some INSANE vertical climbs to illustrate proper technique for throttle chops and unloading while making it look like child’s play.
-Break for lunch.
-Still raining.
-Get truck stuck in parking lot trying to relocate to a more solid spot, three guys weight the rear wheels and with some flying mud and diesel smoke I get to a safer location.
-Still raining.
-Class resumes in the rain.
-We go discuss some steep descent braking in the rain.
-More insano climbs and descents on moss covered rocks in the rain of course.
-Class pretty much ends and the instructor shows us some areas that you could not walk or climb over that he rode the previous week with Raymond Peters of Team Extreme.
-Starts to rain harder.
-Most load up and head out but a few head back out to see who would get hurt first.
-I get 20 miles from home and the rain stops.
-I meet my family for some dinner then go home unload some gear and loosen the tie downs on my bike. Now I’m wishing for rain so I have less to clean in the morning but no such luck.
-I take the couch for a spin until it’s time for bed.

This was without a doubt the best 5 hours in “school” I have ever spent. I still have a smile on my face and a new determination to learn how to do this type of riding. Some might say the instructor was there for the money but, there was no fee except a new toy which was to be donated to the less fortunate children of the community and it didn’t even need to be wrapped! Somebody with this much skill and a superb ability to make others understand how to apply these newly learned skills doing it all for the love of the sport! How awesome is that?!:) :) :)

R White

Sep 13, 2001
patman sounds like dream,you must wake up when you piss in your sleep,:p just kidding glad you had a good time:cool:


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Patman, you're all washed up!:p LOL
Sounds like fun. I'm tinkering with the idea of a trials bike in the stable. I would have like to see the riding myself.


Mod Ban
Dec 10, 2000
Shouldn't the title be "Trial by water "?;)

I love watching pro trials riders pull some of their amazing feats, and have often considered giving it a try. Maybe someday...


Sep 16, 2001
They still had it with all that rain.I tried to go riding saturday and it was to wet so i did not even try. Also did you have a fun time sliding down the rocks bare ass.:p


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Went down ONCE :) Got tense at the top of a easy down hill because I convinced myself it was waaaay to slimy and I knew I was going to fall so just do it now. So I did right at the very top. Righted the bike and motored on down no problem. Turned around and found more traction than I thought existed in any slimy mud :eek: Truly amazing bikes! It give me a whole new perspective on what is really possible on two wheels. These things will go up and down stuff you would normally look at at say "Nooooo way!!!" plus they make it easy. Go figure a bike that can make you look like a riding deity to your pals.:cool:


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Sounds like fun Pat ;) When you mentioned taking the couch for a spin, I thought you meant the 360 (Henk's nickname for the thundergrunter). I hope that this summer I'll have a bit of time to play on my trials bike, even though she's old, it's still great fun, and I know it's helped my riding somewhat.


Nov 7, 2000
Sounds like a fun, but wet time. Where was the class? I have only seen on trials bike in person and it felt realy light just taking it off the kickstand. I've always wanted to try riding one.


Sep 16, 2001
If you are looking for trials you may have to look more south. The first time i saw trials was cool. The bikes look like nothing when you see them up close. I to am waiting to see some more riding. It is just fun to watch them hop around on rocks and seeing Pat wishing he could do things like they are doing.:p I have not tried to try it yet but lloks fun. I think Pat is talking about the ride they had at Somerville which is around the Houston Area.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Anybody that is interested in trials should try to hookup with a local club or group. My experience has been dirt bikers are generally a really friendly bunch and the trials folks I have met take it up another notch. It's kind of a closet sport in the states so I think everyone is extra nice to get more folks interested. If you can't find a local bunch to visit with come to Dirt Week '02 and look me up we'll get ya' some "seatless" time.:)
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