
Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Pittsfield, MA 7/14/07-7/15/07

What a great weekend for riding! Rooster and I left Friday evening around 4:45 p.m. and headed northwest towards Pittsfield. The drive was great – minimal traffic, a little rainstorm, and no major issues. We arrived at our campground around 7:30 p.m., checked in, and started to settle in for the night. We met a very pleasant old man across the way from us who lives at the campground and we chatted with him for a while. Then we had some hot dogs and pasta salad for dinner, a few adult beverages, and we settled in early for a good nights sleep.

We woke up Saturday to a beautifully sunny day. After some lounging around we made some delicious breakfast burritos, ate, and were on our way to the riding area. We drove to where we thought we had to go, only to find it out it wasn’t where we had to go. Luckily the gentleman in the ranger’s station was nice enough to direct us where we needed to be. So we found our area, parked the truck and trailer, and unloaded. While I was gearing up, Rooster put our license plates on our bikes. Soon we were ready to go…

I got my bike started and the first thing I notice is that it’s not quite the cold blooded little beast it used to be, now that it has the new engine in it. It started on the second kick and stayed running! That used to be unheard of on that bike. I kept my eye on it while it warmed up, just to be sure the new parts we installed resolved the issue of the oil leak, and they did. No more oil leak! YAHOO!

Rooster had never ridden Pittsfield before and I’d only been there once (4 years ago) so we were in for an adventure. We packed a trail map and were on our way. Rooster led and for a while we had to stop at every intersection and look at the map so we wouldn’t get lost! The trail map isn’t the greatest but we managed to figure it out. The other thing about these trails is that they’re not labeled with difficulty. Nothing there is extremely difficult, but there are lots of rocks, roots, and these erosion control things made out of rubber and wood!

At first we rode some of the wide, easy trails for a while to get the feel for the place. I noticed that I can ride much faster on the modified TTR but that I definitely have to practice clutch control! It seems to rev faster and with the faster revs come my ability to stall the bike much more often. By the end of the day I was getting a better feel for the clutch control necessary to keep the bike running. I definitely feel more confident on this bike now and I feel that I have the ability to ride much better than I used to on it.

Later on in the morning we found ourselves at a parking area not familiar to us, but that had a pretty long trail off it, to the top of the trail system. The trail, called Churchill Brook Trail, started up as a quick climb uphill on a somewhat rocky but manageable trail. It soon turned into a much rockier, slightly nasty climb. I made it about halfway up this section when I hit a rock that stopped me dead! I get un-stuck, roll the bike a little ways back down the hill, and manage to get going again. I was a little squirrelly at first, as I forget that this bike is a much more powerful version of the TTR I’m used to, with the ability to bring the front wheel up in a dangerously quick fashion. I get myself situated and back up the hill we go. I am obviously not moving as quickly as I think I am because Rooster has to make it a point to tell me that he doesn’t understand how I get up any of the hills I climb at the slow rate of speed I keep. But, supposedly I’m getting better - at least I feel that I am!

We travel along the top of the hill for a while, until we come to a trail that leads up back down to the parking area, so we take it. At this point I’m ready for lunch! Going down this hill I realize that I feel more confident in the down hills since our trip to Tower City in June. I also realize that going down hills while giving the bike a little gas is fun! There were a few “freak-out spots” for me, but for the most part I followed this hill down in second, sometimes on the gas. It was awesome!

We break for some sandwiches for lunch and we’re soon on our way again. We figure out that we’ll take the loop from the parking lot, up to the “Skyline” trail, and back down again.

We made the loop up to the Skyline trail in great time – Rooster let me lead, I had to check the map a couple of times, but we made in good time nonetheless. I like leading, which I usually don’t do, it’s fun! Once we got to the Skyline trail we ran into an interesting group of people. There were some quads and some jeeps – and a whole lotta drunk people. One dude in particular was slightly intoxicated – we asked him what way we needed to go to get onto the Skyline trail. He must’ve said at least a half a dozen times “thish way leadsh you back to the sta foresh” (for those of you that don’t speak drunk he said “this way leads you back to the state forest.”). It was interesting to say the least! Back on the trails again we follow the Skyline trail up and over – it was a bit rocky and rooty, but it was yet another fun trail that proved to me how much I love my made over TTR. Back down to the parking area we go for a little break.

After a little break we decide to make the trek up Churchill again, then over on the Skyline, down onto the Balance Rock Loop trail, which is the trail that leads us to the parking area, then call it a day. By now we’ve put in almost 20 miles or so. We’re headed up Churchill and I get stuck in the same frickin’ spot I was stuck in last time! Ugh – that makes me very angry! So, I get unstuck, and as I attempt to get going I realize that my bike has decided to be a brat and throw its chain. So, with a bit of effort, after all we’re on a hill, Roo and I get the chain back on the bike and we get going again.

We run into our drunken friends again – this time they’re having a party on the trail! Beer and music included! We get by them and while attempting to negotiate yet another hill – one with not so many rocks, but some roots and loose dirt – I am stuck yet again! I’m a little (okay, a lot) frustrated by now. The bike threw the chain again – it’s the stock chain that came on the bike two years ago when I bought it, so I’ll be replacing that this weekend. So once again we manage to get the chain back on, but when I take off I’m wheelying all the way up the hill and it’s SCARY! I managed to hit a tree, drop the bike, get p-ed off, smack the bike, and then I look down and what do I see on the ground but my drive sprocket! Not a good thing to be on the ground and not on the bike! Well, Rooster takes a look at it and realizes something is missing – a part of some sort. So we ride, very slowly, all the way back to the parking lot from the very top of the trail system. When we get back we see that it’s the “sprocket holder” and the two bolts needed to hold it on that are missing. Somehow or another I lost those parts – but I got the bike back to the trailer without destroying anything so that’s all that matters. The parts are ordered and should be in on Friday. All in all we still managed to get 22 miles in during a few hours on Saturday.
We rode another 11 miles on Sunday – I rode the WR this time and Rooster rode the YZ. We met up with Papakeith, David, and a friend of David’s for a morning ride – but David and his friend weren’t too happy with the easier trails that I had to ride because I’m too little for the WR on technical trails. So, we went back to the parking lot, took a break, then Rooster and I went for a ride on all the easier, faster moving trails – we had a blast! I was really cooking on the WR – and scaring the crap out of Roo in the meantime. It was so much fun to ride that bike again – but I will definitely stick with my TTR so I can ride the more challenging trails without risking life and limb to do it.

We had a great weekend and are looking forward to getting up there again towards the end of the summer! I am very, very happy with the “new” TTR thanks to Rich and I believe I’ll be riding that bike for a long time from now!


May 10, 2007
Sounds like a good time! We just picked up a ttr125 for my wife. She is already asking me to make it faster. She had a small reality check last week that involved skidding across the driveway. Some pretty bad road rash and a bruised knee have kept her off the bike for a while. So in the meantime I've opened up the airbox and reletted it. Really seemed to help the response and top end. What all mods have you done?


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Great report, thought I was there with you.


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
_JOE_ said:
What all mods have you done?

Well I have a "Rich Rohrich Special Engine". I believe that there's 24 ounces shaved off of the flywheel and that the intake has been ported (Rich please correct me if I have my info wrong!). I also have an aftermarket exhaust, but I'm not sure what it is. I'll have to look at it and get back to you - unless Lou can answer that one because he sold it to Rooster.

I also put the BBR triple clamp on it to make the bars sit a bit higher for my height (5'5"), so I'm not hunched over when I'm standing up. Other than that I just put things on the bike to make it better for use - Acerbis hand guards and a BBR engine cradle.


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
Sounds like you and Roo had a nice anniversary ride! Glad the bike ran well...except for the sprocket coming off, you're lucky you didn't loose it.


May 10, 2007
squeaky said:
Well I have a "Rich Rohrich Special Engine". I believe that there's 24 ounces shaved off of the flywheel and that the intake has been ported (Rich please correct me if I have my info wrong!). I also have an aftermarket exhaust, but I'm not sure what it is. I'll have to look at it and get back to you - unless Lou can answer that one because he sold it to Rooster.

I also put the BBR triple clamp on it to make the bars sit a bit higher for my height (5'5"), so I'm not hunched over when I'm standing up. Other than that I just put things on the bike to make it better for use - Acerbis hand guards and a BBR engine cradle.
Did it get touchy with the lighter flywheel? I would like to do something like porting or a high compression piston so she doesn't get bored with it, but I'm afraid if it gets too touchy it may scare her.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
there are several outfits that make various iterations of hopups for the TTR125. Forward Motion, BBR, PRC, Powroll, etc. A quick perusal of site sponsors should give you some ideas where to start. As far as how well it works, that's another topic.

I've heard nothing but good things about the removal of a POUND AND A HALF of flywheel, other than it may stall easier (the reason I'm holding off on that for the boy for now).


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
squeaky said:
One dude in particular was slightly intoxicated – we asked him what way we needed to go to get onto the Skyline trail. He must’ve said at least a half a dozen times “thish way leadsh you back to the sta foresh” (for those of you that don’t speak drunk he said “this way leads you back to the state forest.”).

Great ride report Sam. Guess it's a good thing you and Rooster are both fluent in "drunk" :laugh:


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
XRpredator said:
there are several outfits that make various iterations of hopups for the TTR125. Forward Motion, BBR, PRC, Powroll, etc. A quick perusal of site sponsors should give you some ideas where to start. As far as how well it works, that's another topic.

I've heard nothing but good things about the removal of a POUND AND A HALF of flywheel, other than it may stall easier (the reason I'm holding off on that for the boy for now).

That there is way too many fo' dolla' werds in one post!


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Chili said:
Great ride report Sam. Guess it's a good thing you and Rooster are both fluent in "drunk" :laugh:

Wut are you trying to shay, Shili? :whoa:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Now, in all seriousness .... that engine has changed that bike into a perfect machine for Squeaky. She has picked up her pace so much it almost scares me!

She did awesome on that thing last weekend!

It just keeps getting better :nod:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
Papakeith said:

Are you Canadian now eh?

PK - We're riding Saturday morn! Be there! Maybe Wrentham?!


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
oooohh, :ugg: *PK shuffles a bit, and scrapes at the dirt with the toe of his sneaker* Didn't I tell you?

I've got a flight scheduled for 2:00 (probably have to be there for 12:30 to prep and preflight).

I'll know for sure Friday night Sat morning. If the weather is crappy(flying wise) I'll be good to go.


Jul 16, 2007
I have a TTR-125 cc. I LOVE IT TOO DEATH. It my first dirt bike ever. Easy to drive. I really enjoy it. Its light but FAST. I got the 2006 version bought it brand new about 2 days ago. So yeah. I have been riding dirt bike for about 7 hours lol


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Papakeith said:
oooohh, :ugg: *PK shuffles a bit, and scrapes at the dirt with the toe of his sneaker* Didn't I tell you?

I've got a flight scheduled for 2:00 (probably have to be there for 12:30 to prep and preflight).

I'll know for sure Friday night Sat morning. If the weather is crappy(flying wise) I'll be good to go.

Air or dirt? What is it going to be? Perhaps we could put some wings on your Fo-Fitty? :cool:


Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Glad to hear you like the new mill. Sucks your sprocket fell off.

Sounds like a typical Pittsfield ride. Rocks, roots, mud, hills and low-lifes. Last time I rode there we took a trail up to a clearing on top of a ridge that had a fantastic view of the Berkshires. In the middle of this clearing were remnants of a wild party. Broken beer bottle, empty beer bottles cig butts and dirty hypodermics. All surrounded by quad donuts.

Coming down from the top we got stopped by a Ranger who checked our registration and insurance (always carry the paperwork in Mass State Forests). He literally tossed our paperwork in the air when some guy came flying up the road on a quad. He attempted to stop him and nearly got ran over in the process.

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