Nevada Sixx

Jan 14, 2000
my 19 in monitor went out, so since my video card has a tv output, i hooked up my old 27 inch tv to it.. seems like it will only do 600x800 resolution and the images arn't very "tight". also, my desktop icons and background won't fit inside the viewing area, and ive tried adjustiing it..

it sure would be cool to be able to go buy a new tv about 20' inches, maybe a wide screen,, and use it for a pc monitor,, do new tv's work better now days for this purpose?



Jul 9, 2003
The reason a TV wont display as a monitor is because TV's are more square and at a very low res compared to a monitor TV= 380X480 (no matter what size 13 - 64 in ect) while a monitors veiwing area is longer and wider that is why the "desktop" moves around with the mouse. Also the way a monitor displays is by Flashing the images rather than building the picture by scanning from top to bottom. Its kinda like looking through and 4x4 in square to see a 6x6 in picture its just not gonna fit. If you get a HD wide screen TV it will work "better" because its veiwing dementions are closer to a monitors, A side note that is why movies are "reformatted" for TV
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