VCMC Gorman qualifier- a outing report


Apr 6, 2002
VCMC Gorman qualifier- part 1 camping camaraderie & quad-tards

Eel (Eric) sent in the application that had himself, Kelsorat (Scott) and me representing Team Knucklehead (see image below) on minute 39, Placelast (John) also drove down sans any motorized bike to join us for camping and to cheer us on and more importantly play the role of "pit dad" to my forgetful decaffeinated sleep deprived self.

Seeing how there were multiple events taking place at the Gorman MX track and going from last years experience on getting sound check done in time, I decided to join Eric and Scott camping overnight in Hungry Valley. As usual, I had no time to prepare, even my loving wife dropped off my front wheel to get some fresh tires mounted for me. I figured it would take me more time to round up my camping gear than it would be to hook up and drag out the trailer, the potential for rain made it an easy decision.

I had a B-day party to attend on Saturday at noon so I took the morning to put the wheel back on the bike, load my gear, and hook up the trailer. Taking the rig to the B-day party allowed for me to make my escape. I managed to get on the road leaving Orange County about 3:00 thinking Id arrive at Hungry Valley at about 5:30. I was making decent time after getting out of LA traffic and a phone call from Eric strongly urged me to get to register and sound check Saturday if possible due to a long and slow moving line. I managed to get to the gate shortly after 5:00. I fly thru sign-ups, fill out my sound card and wait in line. After an hour of waiting, sound closed shop leaving about 20 people in line. Thankfully they put a sticker on our fender and said that there would be a priority line in the morning.

I leave the check in / start area for the south entrance of hungry valley. The last time I entered this way was before any of the camp areas had names or toilets. I made a few cell calls to Eric to confirm their location, backing up the trailer for what could be a long way was not what I had in mind. Better safe than sorry.

I arrived without trouble and Scott had reserved a spot that allowed the truck and trailer to stay hooked up saving me some work. John brought out a couple of salsa’s and chips as we talk about bikes, who’s getting a new one, what to get, where to ride, of course comments are also made about Eric’s fine $60 outfit. A few beers and some wine samples later, Scott cooks up ravioli, spicy sausage, and sauce. Good eats :cool: . After dinner we check out the nearly cloudless night sky to see constellations and planets we could identify. 10:30ish, we decide what time to set the alarm, 5:00am, pick our bunks in the trailer and hit the hay. All is relatively quiet until about midnight when our camping neighbors decided it would be a good time to fire up the quads, one of them equipped with a “performance enhancing” muffler. The intensity of the campground riding and drag racing increased along with the volume of the “Banda” musica and screaming girls apparently being ridden thru the campground (I’m sure wearing proper safety equipment). It was about 1:30 when the sound of rain hitting the trailer started me thinking about what I surely left unprotected. Arrrgh, my gear bag. I put close and shoes on to put the stuff into the truck cab. Figuring since I was up and out side, might as well give a few words to our neighbors to see if they would be more “neighborly”. Although I was acknowledged and the music was turned down for about 10 minutes, there was what looked like a group of about 10 to 15 people in their party, my too polite words fell on drunk ears and the activity continued on until about 3:00 am.

More later.

Hey Knuckleheads. What do you think about using Knucklehead Smiff in a logo?


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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
great idea !


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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000


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Apr 11, 2001
Chris covered it all, and very well I might add, though let me add some more color with my usual babbling.

I haven’t been to Gorman/Hungry Valley/Los Padres NF in what four years? And there’s even less of a reason to go bike less. But when Chris was saying he may spend the night camping I said yes – a must do.

After my family obligations – Saturday food shopping, I decided to pack up, especially since I was 3rd in line to the clothes washer. Hitting the road at 2pm prevented my afternoon nap (learned that from the ‘ol guy tho w/o meds) but allowed me to stop at a Mex restaurant for chips and salsa to go for the guys; did the same at the one in Lebec in the event the boys were hungry, then at Hang Time motorcycle shop to say hi to the owner Pete; I didn’t have any other business there other than try on the new Alpine Star Tech 10s since Craparral is now so far away (nice but worth the $?) and ask if he had any calendars.

Now for you salsa lovers one of the one place’s was thick and had preburner; the other wet and afterburner. The former was the boy’s favorite, even with scrambled eggs (juevos rancheros a gringos) in the morning.

Coming thru the north entrance brought back a boatload of memories of when I used to bring my sons here to ride, like at least 10-15 years ago; 10 years on their own, and 15 was when they used to sit on my lap and hold on to the cross bar – it was legal back then. As they grew I later added passenger pegs and they would grab hold of my belt as we scooted around the valley floor, and got to know the trails so well, like a back yard of ours.

I arrived at the assigned campsite at 4:30pm, and spotted Eric’s mini pickup. Picking though his gear and boxes, there was not a thing I neither needed nor wanted that fit me – too bad as the selection was there and it was mine for the stealing.

Since there was much time to burn I hiked to the wash and saw there were not a lot of wildflowers this year. The yuccas were in bloom, though. Back at camp and sitting in a camp chair afforded a view of a kid pit racing his kwad around and around, stirring up the dust. His sister was doing the same on some off-road cart. After a half hour of this and my mean expressions – oh: the kid kept looking at me, probably to check if I was looking at him – I finally gestured to give it a rest and go elsewhere! Actually I politely asked him to (GET THE F____ OTTA HERE!) please go outside of camp; you never know if/how his ‘rents would react to the doings of their Precious – what, get a lawyer and sue?!

About 6-ish Eel and Kelso come into camp. I figured they had done some iron man ride but were just over the hill at the race pits. They chowed down sandwiches with chips & salsa. BBBBBBbbbbbuuuuupppppPPPP! Hit the spot, so sez Kelso. Then we got some calls from 2Stroke, doing the Marco Polo thing via phones. He eventually found us and setup the rig. We had our chats indoors, as it had gotten dark but ah! no wood for a campfire. Lacking that, conversations were just as good inside his expando living room, about my next bike and why, how what; Mexican gasoline (PeMex or was that premix?); tomorrow’s race, Eel’s budget fashion statement. Then Kelso exercised his culinary skills and whips up a killer bachelor dinner. We all hit the sack at 10:30pm in anticipation of a 5am getup. And then we are all startled by this rude awakening at 2am: bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! bbbbbbrrrrrrraaaaaaapppPPPPPP!!!!! over and over again, like practice starts at an outdoor MX. Dang loud four stroke pipes + drunk neighbors + loud music. Then the rain. And the alarm oh too soon; we scramble to load the bikes, wolf down breakfast, and off we go to the start. 2Stroke and I get in line at the Quail Valley MX complex entrance and it’s already an 1/8 mile long. Then he realizes he left his paperwork at camp, so we unload, he two-wheels it in and I jet back to camp. Upon returning I use the exit lane and flash his paperwork – the gals wave me by and I enter into a HUGE staging area. It was so congested my time was better spent walking in search of Team Knuckhead (BTW, good icon, though I like my idea of a red circle with Eel’s hand with a wrench and a red diagonal line thru it.)

Having found them I then pulled in nearby, and made my way around the pits. I got to visit with Ricardo Barbosa of Three Brother’s fame (KTM shop in Costa Mesa), Bill Fulmer Jr. (past D37 enduro champ and ISDE contender), and various bike owners to ask their opinions of their rides.

Hiking my way to the start I got to see our team off. Afterwards I spent a few minutes watching the adjacent MX practice (boring…going in small circles) then left to find a spot on the course to watch the guys go by. I found one part of the first loop with a hard RH turn onto Wheatfield trail, then went further to the main entrance of Hungry Valley. The state employee taking money at the entrance wouldn’t let me in/spectate without paying the day-use fee, and since I am still pizzed about the loss of green sticker monies from years ago I did a U-turn and went back to the Wheatfield spot and setup my camp chair on the tailgate for viewing of some race action as each minute came whizzing by. By that time the first 8 minute-rows had already passed, so I missed the pros/A riders. The rain was coming and going; I was getting wet, and pulled out my umbrella for the wait.

A fellow had stopped, saying his bike was stuck in gear from a bent shift lever, and asked if I had any tools. I pulled out some blade screwdrivers with which he was able to straighten up and get back on his way. Then another fellow pulled up and said he was getting sick from the previous section’s tight turns (Brome Trail?), and wanted to call it a day. I showed him the B-line, where to reconnect back to the start via a frontage road which parallels the freeway.

Well along came Bill Fulmer Jr., low flying on his 450X, and I knew the Knucklehead minute was not far behind. I let out a hoot as they passed, and they returned the favor by giving the cheering section (me) a wave as they scooted on down the trail. With that I left for the ride back to home.

So what bike am I gonna buy next?


Apr 6, 2002
HA! Great stuff Eric.

What John didnt mention, as he was dropping me off at the entrance, because like a kid that forgot to bring my homework to school, I left my entry and sound check paper work back at camp, John (the pit dad I never had) drives back to get it after making sure I have all my gear. Thanks dad. (embarrassed)

I was going to write part 2 last night, but when I got home, my wife informs me "puters dead". Hmmm. Configsys missing or damaged, drive error, not good. Ill put part 2 up later today.


Apr 6, 2002
kelsorat said:
Hey you gave my Knucklehead hair... swweeet

Hey, I fixed it for ya Scott. :rotfl:

oh this could get ugly.


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scar tissue

Dec 27, 2000
So how was the race? Did they go up in the forest this year?


Apr 6, 2002
What do ya think. :rotfl:


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Apr 6, 2002
OK- Part 2 the ride report

After entering the gate, I went to sign ups to see if I could get another card. I should have thought of that before John went back to camp to retrieve my goods. I was able to get another card and filled out my sound info and went to the priority line to get sound checked. The rangers changed their method of testing and my bike blew 87db, usually 92. Back at Eric’s truck we had some time to program in the route checks into the watchdogs, set clocks, and drink some “lytes”, also a trip to the can and pick up a few cups of bad coffee from the snack bar. Hey Ill take the caffeine any way I can. John made it back in to the crowded staging area and found us, luckily he was able to come in without the line and without paying the additional 10 bux I already paid the day before. We make it to the start line early enough to allow the butterflies to settle and inhale some exhaust fumes.

They count us down and we are off thru the banked sweepers. The first special arrives too soon for what I would have liked for a warm up. We decide the order: Eric, Chris, Scott, 39d Steve. The section was fun, nothing challenging, I keep repeating to myself “smooth is fast”. I am having fun and manage to pass a few riders from the earlier minute. As the special ends I arrive in time to see Eric getting marked. I was happy to close some time on the fast Eric (but I have gotten more rides in this year). Not knowing how long each special would be, I found it difficult to pace myself. The entire first loop I did well, pushing hard, just starting to get the double vision at the end of each special (ample sleep seems to have been the only factor to beating the vision woes). Programming the puters let us know how easy we could cruise between specials and that allowed me to rest, drink and generally regain my wits.

The break between loops gave us just enough time to refuel, refill the camel baks and have some energy bars and goo. Loop 2 started as a special in the same location as loop 1. I forgot to mention that the continuing rain made for nice almost dust free conditions. To me the traction felt good, better than any time I remember at Gorman, could be the rain the trials tire rear, or the new M12 front, likely a combo of all but it added up to me having more confidence in traction and turns than ever. There was one area where I low sided on some slick hard pack that I am sure if I had just gotten out of the brakes the bike would have behaved. The couple of guys I just passed had just gotten to me when I was able to pick up and stay in front. The trail leads up to the forest to I think Tejon trail. It has been many moons since I have ridden these trails and I had no memory of them. When we arrive at the check in at special 5 I think there were quite a few riders stacked up. As we wait, there is not sign of Scott. Hmm there were some pretty steep drops from the trail leading to where we were, hope he didn’t go off somewhere. I remember thinking “glad that wasn’t a special back there or I surely would have gone off. More time passes and it is clear something happened to Scott (glad it turned out to not result in injury). Some from earlier minutes, the same guys we have been having to pass thru each special came from behind to get up in line on their minute. Being guilty of doing this ourselves earlier (when it didn’t matter) we couldn’t bark too loudly. As we approach the start of the special, Eric warns of the upcoming rocks and suggests bumping up the steering damper a bit. Immediately into the special my hands cramp with the death grip on the bars. My only choices are to have all 4 fingers up on the levers to stretch out the hands or have the rigger mortise grip-o-death on the bars. I opt to keep the hands on the levers and sacrifice some control. The rocks end soon enough and I am able to grip normally without the clinch. The dust trial says I am approaching some traffic and hope there is area to pass. I get past 1 or 2 riders without incident when I get to another. I keep about a tires length and look for a spot to squirt by. Suddenly and without notice, the guy stops to allow me to pass. But without warning or any options around him, we tangle up. I see my fork guard did its job but is now flopping. I remount and continue on still having to pass guy, which I did without trouble this time. After this contact, I notice my steering is really loose, a quick check shows that the post for the scotts is still there but it obviously isn’t working. Now I have to be extra careful with the floppy feeling steering. This special seems to go on for a long time and I am fading and experiencing heavy double vision. I slow to a decent one eye pace and get passed by some hot shoes. As the special ends, I manage to put my tire off the edge of the trail and into a bush literally 15 feet from the finish. Real class. As I roll down the rest of the trail, my puter is showing me down several minutes to the next route check but I don’t have the juice to do more than play it really safe, it was prolly my best bet as a trip over the trail there would have meant mucho time and energy, and reserves were done. I get to the route check 5 (I think) 6 minutes down. Ahh, now a paved road to cool off and cruise. Back to trail and I somehow miss a turn along with a couple of other guys and end up at the start of special 6. Checking others card showed I didn’t miss any checks so I waited for Eric and joined in line there. The last special had large sweeping banked turn huge roller jumps (which I barely aired) whoops and dirt we never see in the dez. It was really different but fun. The finish checkout comes into sight in a section with whoops and rollers and some loose dirt/sand. I am moving along but really “flyin”. edit: should read NOT really flyin About 100 feet from the finish as I roll out of the throttle the damper less bike gets Xed and my noodle arms cant stop it. I get shot to the side of the trail, pick up a bush and get launched, I fly with considerable airtime, enough time to think, “I know everyone at the finish is watching this spectacle”. I land on my head. Stay loose now, try to roll. The bike bounces off of me and I get a healthy mouthful of mother earth. Wow! I didn’t get hurt. I stand up as people are running up to check my vitals and give the OK sign. At that, loud cheers erupt from the small audience. I pick up my still running bike, smack down the rear fender, which is pointing straight up in the air, roll to the finish to more cheers.

Almost 5 hours of work for a tie pin, but it’s worth it.
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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Great weekend. We did get up into the forest for one long special – similar loop to previous years when the forest was used. The rain made things a little more tacky than usual and kept the dust down. The weather was mostly nice on race day, thought at times rainy. Not many playriders to deal with.

I got there late afternoon on Saturday and went for a short ride. The bike is looking sweet since I got some new plastics and cleaned it up nice - went with red this time, no more yellow. Unfortunately I fiddled with the float height the night before and messed things up. The bike was dying at full throttle and I couldn’t figure it out until Scott arrived later on and helped me troubleshoot the problem. We sorted it out finally. The bike ripped all weekend – no more fold, crease and tear.

Scott and I headed to sound check on Saturday and the wait was long. I saw more bikes fail than pass this year. The majority of 4-strokes I saw tested failed. KTMs were generally the only exception to the rule – they were really, really quiet. A few people were heckling the women doing the tests which wasn’t too cool. The testers both had Gas Gas bikes so we got off to a good start ! The 300 blew approx 95 db … a bit loud for a 2-stroke, but passing nonetheless.

Race day came and went without too much hassle.


Crazy Russian
Jan 25, 2000
sounds like a good ride....


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the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
The total course length was about 72 miles. 1 forest special and the rest throughout the valley ... maybe 5 or 6 specials in the valley ? I ran Metzeler MC4 up front and MC5 out back - best traction at Gorman I can remember in awhile, though the rain may have had alot to do with it. I felt great about my race - rode as close to my edge as was possible for me that day. Only went down once - in the forest shortly after passing a guy on a Yamaha - he passed me back as I was getting up off the ground and laughed at me as he rode by. I caught him again and laughed as I rode by. I love the sand at Gorman - the sand whoops are gnarly. After several disappointing DNFs this year I'm hoping I'm back in business.

I read on the district board that they may throw out some or possibly even all of the route checks, and possibly one of the specials. It's a great race but they always seem to wind up throwing checks out every year.

When is that beach race at Pismo ?

the Eel

Sep 23, 2000
Tony Santero !


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