
Jun 1, 2005
I was just wondering if you could run VP and 93 pump gas mixed together? My buddy was telling me when he raced a while back he would put 1/2 gallon of VP for every 2.5 gallons of 93 pump gas. To me this seems not to be a problem cause wouldnt it just bring the VP down to around 100 octane? Need some help here and knowone answers my forums!


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
ive seen many threads with people mixing pump with race fuel and i do it now for the added octane just for prevention because i dont want to have to listening all the time for pinging. it has been said on this forum that it will raise your octane rating but not predictably if your looking to jet your bike on the edge :cool:
this is all second hand but i thoroughly believe the initial source


5:1 pump swill to race fuel ratio seems almost worthless to me. That's like pouring a liter of Perrier into the tub of old bath water... Lots of folks mix half and half, or just run straight race fuel. Half and half is effective for helping eliminate pinging, but the resulting octane won't be a linear formula. ie, 1 gal of 90 + 1 gallon of 100 won't necessarily yield 2 gallons of 95.

If you do a search using "race gas" or "race fuel" as the keywords, you'll get enough hits to be reading for days. Also try clicking the "Eric Gorr's" link to the left and look under the tech articles link for Rich's race fuel pt. 1 paper. :cool:

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