
Oct 6, 2001
I want to have my frame repainted. There is no real damage but it has some bald spots I want fixed, and I was wondering what I should do. Do shops do this? Should I do it myself?

Also I saw a guy at a local track who had stuff covering his frame all over. They were gaurds of some sort. He said they were universal and are use to cover pipes, frames, etc. They aren't very big and they are flexible so you can move them around as you feel. You can put them where you want and protect what you want on your bike, does anyone know what these are and where I can get them to cover parts of my frame? I tryed looking for a pic or some info myself, but couldn't find anything. I have seen them before and I think there main purpose in the first place was to cover pipes, but I don't know.


Dec 31, 2000
If you go to all the trouble of stripping the bike down, you might want to check into powder coating the frame. That stuff is very tuff. Don't know if this will help, but that is what I would do to my frame.


Oct 6, 2001
What is powder coating, where do I get it or do I have someone else do it? Would I have to take the engine out too, or just cover it up?


Dec 31, 2000
You would have to look in the Yellow pages under plating or powder coating for your area. Yes, you would have to take the motor out and have the frame completly stripped of everything. duck tape over bolt holes and threads. It can be done at home, I have seen kits in hot rod mags, but I don't know how much they are. If you take it to a shop, I would figure between $125.00 to $200.00 depending on the color. Light bright colors, such as yellow and red cost more.


Oct 9, 2000
I just started a car restoration, and I am using a paint called POR-15 and it is indestructible and cheap. If you follow the direction properly, it is awesome. I cant chip it with a hammer, and it also chemically protects the frame from rust. or

Great product.


Dec 28, 2001
Well, I got my bike stripped down to nothing.. I am going to paint the frame(or have a auto body paint it), and since there have been a few suggestions on what to use. It is a '94 CR25. Anyone done this before and got results?


Resident mental case
Dec 1, 2001
Powdercoat it .I just had my yz 250`s frame done and it looks awesome. The bike will have to be completly taken apart though. The shop that did mine taped off most all the bolt holes. You will have to run a tap through some of the holes and clean out some of the other so your bolts will fit through.I will say this I know every bolt nut and washer on the bike. The cost was about $180 but I feel it was worth it .


Apr 2, 2001
Strip it down to nothing, and paint it your self. My bike is completly stripped to the frame right now. I've had nothing but excellent results doing this way. I use the PG1 paint, along with the primar, and clearcoat. I do this every winter. I also grease and replace everything that needs it.It's just part of my winter maintnace. Besides what else am i suppose to do for 5 months of winter?


Sep 15, 2000
Powdercoat, with either chrome black, or gunmetal. Haven't made up my mind yet :) tee hee, I"m so excited to bring her out in the spring!!!

Powdercoating is the way to go.


Oct 6, 2001
I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but thanks for the help guys you helped me a lot. KawieKX125 that stuff sounds great. I read on the page you sent me to that you can spray it over rust and the rust will stop and never come back. You can't chip it with a hammer?! That is sweet too, but what about sanding? Can it be sanded off because that would be like dumping it and having the bike slide would it take the paint off? The first time I dumped my 250f when it was new the paint came of it was pretty cheap. I like the idea of not having to do it all the time because it is really durable.


Oct 9, 2000
The stuff is great, problem is it only comes in a couple colors. I was going to use it on the bottom of my frame and the sides for durability and then use the green on the rest. Sorta like a 2-tone.
I am not sure about the sanding, I have not tried yet.
Get on of the company's catalogs. THey sell a sample kit with enough paint and cleaning supplies to cover 6 sq. ft. for 13 dollars and it is a good buy if you want to see how you like the paint. Just follow the instrusctions perfectly.


Jan 12, 2002
KX-125: I have had alot of experience with POR-15 and have been extremely disappointed with the results. I obeyed all the rules and even bought the "pre-sealer" stuff (forgot what they call it). The trailer that I modified is less than a year old and it has already rusted through the poor-15. The sections that I did not change in any way, and only treated with poor-15 are rusting in 9 months. The new sections of steel that I also treated with the product (properly as best as I can tell), are also rusting today.
The motorhome that i trusted to this product in the spring of 2001 during it's restoration is already rusting. I followed por-15 directions to the tee and still i see rust bubbles on my new paint job, that makes me very unhappy.

My recommendation, stay away from POR-15.


Nov 24, 2001
A friend of mine had his trx250r frame and swing arm powder coated, and it looked great. There is no paint that I am aware of that has the durability of powder coating. Whatever you decide to do though, preparation of the surface is the key for anything to adhere properly. I would suggest sandblasting the frame to remove any old paint and or corrosion. Make sure to use a good primer as well. If you do decide to paint it, take it to a body shop and have them spray it. The stuff you buy in the spray-can doesn't compare.


Sponsoring Member
Oct 22, 2001
I think the simple solution mxracer is to get some aluminum frame guards, I might even have some laying around you could snag for pretty cheap ;)


Apr 2, 2001
Why not spray it your self???. I just ordered my paint the other day, and i'm spraying mine using a proper paint gun, along with my air compresser.

Originally posted by dix
. If you do decide to paint it, take it to a body shop and have them spray it. The stuff you buy in the spray-can doesn't compare.


Oct 9, 2000
mudflap-The stuff works awesome IMO. Did you scrape the scaley rust off? Also, if you have any contaminants on the surface, it will not work.
I would sandblast before painting and then handle the frame with rubber gloves so your hand oils do not get on it.


Oct 6, 2001
Thanks guys...

I'll take into consideration of everything you guys said, but I think painting the frame will have to wait a couple months because I cased a double and crushed my left radiator.:(


Dec 31, 2000
I saw a left radator on ebay under the heading (yamaha 426). There is two days left to bid on it and I believe the bid is around $11.00 right now. Hope this helps you out.:silly:


Nov 24, 2001
Sorry CR_125 King. Just assumed by the questions he was asking that he didn't have access to the proper equipment. If you do though, more power to ya! Ever heard of anyone using rhino liner on the heavy wear areas?
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