
Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Wardy has a great place to play and we used it all. The kid was bummed to be sidelined and restricted to the TTR but the bench racing at night made up for it. I even managed to get enough air to slide a sheet of paper under my wheels (big lois better post the proof).
The kid and I were welcomed in about 9PM Wed night as we got the holeshot. Wardy was just pulling out for the night and the storms were just rolling in. The way it poured I thought about building an ark :eek: but first thing in the morning we walked down to the track to see the majority in great shape (except for the corner I went inside and my rear tire disappeared). When we got back to camp BigLou was tiptoeing around so as to not wake us up. We had the track to us alone for quite awhile and I got to wear my official DRN riding shorts. When we came back up the hill we saw TTRguy and Gospeed were on site as well as The Zoomer clan. Zoomers kids managed to run their bikes dry several times each day as they had their bikes firmly planted on their butts. SFC also arrived and showed us the proper form to put your bike into the mud (I did it finally in the same spot on my last lap of the weekend).
Okie eventually arrived and after getting a butt chewing from the staff for riding in shorts and tennis shoes he started turning laps. Eventually Jaybird , KelvinKDX and Wendy pulled in (how Kelvin aka Jim got Wendy to put the tent up in the dark escaped me but I want the secret to it). Nikki and Red also rolled in and the kids disappointment again surfaced as he would again miss a chance to see how he matches up to nikki's riding (both she and Red are fast).
Friday morning in his best Factory Team rider status Pokie arrived and jumped on his prepped bike and showed the rest of how to ride and ride and ride. Offrodr also came in and started to terrify the woodland creatures regardless of how snotslick some of those uphills were. Friday was a repeat of Thursday- down to the track ride for an hour or so then back up to camp for R&R then repeat. Surprise of the night as we were sitting around the campfire around 10PM JeffAllen drove in.
Sat morning OT showed up and amazed everyone by riding an hour and a half moto non stop :eek: in temps that were killing the rest of us. Wardy had again showed his dedication by grooming and watering the track for us the night before until 11PM (then he managed to join us for some adult beverages). We got a good 4 hours in before it was time to pack up and start home- it is amazing that like dirtweek nobody really wanted to be the first to pull out.
This just got thekid and I pumped for October and Cooperland :aj:
Hope I didn't miss anyone (at my age that often happens) and again Thanks Wardy and everyone else that showed up :cool:


May 7, 1999
Galena, IL
OldGuy.... good report, thanks..... having learned from riding with you on Friday when you passed me at the end of the whoops...in neutral gear!... I tried riding on your backwheel today, but all I did was eat more of your dust. Wait til we meet again at Cooperland! battle of the old guys! (hey, zoomer is too young for this one, right?)

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
mutual admirition society meets here.! heck old guy, your kid was faster than me with the broken shoulder. pokie..it's all good. ;) wardy is the man to let a bunch of spodes wreck his place, free of charge! i'll see more of you guys before cooperland, and i'm not talking the "marshmellow wrapped with a rubber band " either. it was great meeting you guys, especialy you pokie. :D


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Thanks for coming out guys, It took all of you for me to intice grand puba out of that dark and quiet place up north! :)
OF COURSE AJ, and brenden show up just as jim and wendy were pulling out, so we rode the quads around and brenden got the grand tour.
I think i had my hat on backwards a couple times to okie!!

we will have the dust control much better handled for the next time!! whats cool about this weekend was that unlike dirt week, its alot less work!!!! You all are welcome anytime just let me know!


Jeff Allen

Sep 23, 1999
Had a great time guys and gals wish I had gotten there earlier. TTR you can cook at my house anytime man. Wardy thanks again for the donation of your trophys, the kids will be stoaked about it. And everybody else thanks for making this place the coolest to hang out together with.


Aug 25, 2000
Great way to spend a few days. Wendy & i had a great time. It was amazing to see the Energizer bunnies (Zoomers kids with the bikes attached to their bottoms). They kept going & going & going ...

WARDY - Thank you one hundred times over.

Big Lou - We are going to grill out some chicken tonight and try out your BBQ sauce. Wendy thinks that it was pretty brave of you to let everyone in on your gay thing (postcard) while sitting around the campfire. (remember - she was in the tent just catching bits & pieces). She just thought that you were called Lois because your hands are tender. :eek:

Jaybird - Thanks for the chain lube - that stuff works great. You need to let us know when you are going to market it along with your chain cleaner/lube device.

TTRguy - dito on Jeff's post - you are a camping master chef.

oldguy - Biggest thanks for the outdoor shower - OOhh that was nice. :)
You missed GSR's psychotic (from Okie's fireworks) hound.

ok - and the secret to getting Wendy to put up a tent in the dark is:
1) pretend that you do not know she is doing it.
2) plead ignorance on tent erection (did i say erection? :eek: ) to the point where she gives up and gets it done on her own.
3) start drinking beer as soon as you get out of the truck

... I'm sure that there are more steps to this but i think that i must just do them unconsciously.
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Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
I am very happy to read Wardy saying - NEXT TIME. I was disappointed I could not make it this weekend. Planning to meet everyone at DW '02.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Originally posted by fatherandson
I am very happy to read Wardy saying - NEXT TIME. I was disappointed I could not make it this weekend. Planning to meet everyone at DW '02.


Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
I am still freakin sore!! That was alot of riding in 2 days after not being on the bike in months!

What a ball! As usual its great to hang out with DRNers!

Thanks a million to Wardy. Fox Valley is a real cool place. :)
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