
Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
well i got mine in the mail today doesn't look anything like gas tank hardly and looks like a 5yr old cut it with safety scissors. I have yet to ride with it but hear alot of good things though. Anyone here use it at all and what do you think?

Ill be updating this a soon as i ride with it but so far I think they could have made it a little cleaner cut i mean for 40 bucks i want it too look like a spitting image of the inside of my tank (like the pictures) and maybe some better instructions than poke it with a screwdriver or t handle every time you want to check your fuel which I think would eventually break some crap loose? why not leave the top piece of foam out? its only about an inch and a half? not much of a lose and you can see when your tanks full?


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
I can not say anything about the biggest advance in your bikes handling since inverted forks and lowering the radiators,because my son is partially sponsored by them,,,,,


Jun 30, 2006
I don't know anything about how the foam affects handling, but you may not want only to know when your tank is full. Its nice to check periodically to see how low it is getting as well.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
im not so much worried as to wjhen its getting low at least for me anyways because i fill up everytime i come back in to the truck and i never ride woods. but for woods riders i can see how it would be a crutch. also ive heard that it takes up 1% of the tank all the way to 19%? whos right?


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
I can not say anything about the biggest advance in your bikes handling since inverted forks and lowering the radiators,because my son is partially sponsored by them,,,,,
now that's funny right there I don't care who you are!


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
patto3 said:
Is the foam one big lump or heaps of little lumps?

It comes in two sections one for the right and left side and then sliced making 4 to five layers depending on your bike. They say it is specific for types of bikes but personaly just looking at it i think if you have a husky, Tm or a bike they dont have one for then any other mx type bikes foam will work. Or so it looks


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
Well went out yesterday and tried the foam. the track was a soft deep sand loam and some corners that forced the bike to lay almost to the shrouds. with that ill start.

Installing: Didn't go so well i rinsed the foam with gas to get off any loose particles but even when i was putting it through the hole I still seen a few flake off so i almost stopped putting it in but i Didn't. :bang: Once they got into my tank they Didn't seem to lay flat at all and a screw driver or t handle will hardly work. I would suggest a metal coat hanger with some sort bent "foot" at the bottom to help lay them. Will all that i doubt they fill up all the space in my tank like a mirror or are even seated right.. i had a hard time haha so you might not.

Riding: before i took off i also shook my bike a little then drained some gas outa the tank... li'l flakes in gas scare me :yikes: . The riding thought was a pretty noticeable difference i will say. But i felt as if i almost relied on that slosh to help me seat the bike into turns like a 3rd gear flat sweeper and help in ruts. but i could tell nd after going back out with the foam i had a little harder time with the corner but got accustomed to it shortly. S corners i could tell a li'l, same with singles before a turn and when laying in flat in deep rutted hair pins.

Review: Don't use a screw driver or T-handle especially if you have a deeper tank. IMOP it might be easier with the tank off to install. Not a bad product and if your looking for a little edge "not much" then I would go for it.

This thread is in my own opinion and based on my sole experiences with the product. :yeehaw:


Apr 14, 2007
Tell us if those little flakes cause you any trouble down the line! Im looking into trying this stuff when I start racing, overall for you is it worth it or not? Sounds like fit and finish is **** but it does help.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
Most defiantly will, i hope they wont :yell: worst they should do is clog the carb a lil.. the motor will eat them right? hope so. overall yah i say its worth it for me anyways i think it matters. wish i wouldnt have waited till i got to the track to put it in like it says too. i would do it at home and take a lil more time.


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Was the gas tank empty when you installed it? I use and keep handy, 12 mm t-handle and a penlight to check gas,laying the t-handle in while I fill the tank helps also!


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
whenfoxforks-ruled said:
Was the gas tank empty when you installed it? I use and keep handy, 12 mm t-handle and a penlight to check gas,laying the t-handle in while I fill the tank helps also!

Yes i drained out all the gas before installing. the foam comes about 2 inches shy from the top of my tank so fortunatly for me i dont have to put anything else in my tank besides gas. Im asuming you have the foam in as well? how well did yours go in?


Mar 29, 2007
I have read a few articles about this product in the major magazine reviews, all of them say its a great product, it improves the handling but man I dunno, reading about flakes of anything falling in my gas tank makes me wonder and doubt. I am very interested in what Redbull has to say next.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
hopefully its not about my carb getting cloged or engine seizing.... :bang: knock on wood

but i wouldnt worry to much about it. I think ill be fine just before you put it in mabey blow it off with an air compressor or give it a lil bath in some old gas or something and it should do the trick.


Mar 29, 2007
RedBull said:
hopefully its not about my carb getting cloged or engine seizing.... :bang: knock on wood

lol me hopes so too brotha, but yeah gotta figure that the people that made this product have gone through and thought about all the bads that go with this.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
yah and I also just seen an ad for another company making the same product. well not making it but cutting it and selling it anyways. I cant remember if I seen it online or in a mag but if i run across it again ill post it. either way they were still charging 48 snaps for some foam


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
stop fuel from sloshing around in your tank helping your bike feel better planted and stable in corners and off jumps

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