Apr 22, 2002
What is the weight distribution over the tires on a motocross bike with the rider standing on the pegs holding the handlebars. Is it 60% front 40% rear etc. I suspect its closer to 50-50. Granted the rider will have a significant effect as they lean foreward or back. For some reason the test mag articles never do this. It may be difficult to have a standard due to the riders effect. I do notice offset steering heads/ triple clamps and different length swing arms in the magazine adds. Whats the correct range for motocross racing for a given rider.


Jan 2, 2001
Sam, this is a very funny and also very neglected question. I also many times wunder what all the fuss about setup is worth , as a rider can make such a big contribution in how he is adapting to the bike.
I mean, a full tank or empty tank has a enormous impact in balance. But did you ever hear to take that in acount when set up the bike. Hardly.
So who of the engineers know how a bike is balanced of the factory floor or from the drawning tables?


Apr 22, 2002
Thanks for the reply. As an engineer myself, many times compromises have to be made to satisfy the average customer. I know when I did durability work for Harley the bikes had to be ballasted x % on the front and x% on the rear to maintain a certain cg. I'd never expect it to be the same as on a dirt bike. As you see different size people run the same chasis you can see a 6' plus 260lb guy loads a bike differently that the typical 5'8" 150lb motocross racer. Being on the larger side myself I don't have to be off much with body position to auger a bike into the ground head first or tail first. Maybe I'd be better of with a longer wheelbase or move the handle bars or footpegs to get my cg in the right spot. Thanks in advance
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