No offense to all the Bachelors but this question is for experienced parents ONLY....heh...heh.
My brother and I were 5 and 6 when our dad put us on dirt bikes. By 7 & 8 we were cut loose on cr80's and Odessy's(remember those things). Yeah we had our share of dirt rash and instances of close calls but we lived.
Now that Im a father my life long love of dirt/street bikes has got me lickin' my chops at the first chance to get my daughter on two wheels. When she was 4 I pulled out the MIG welder, baught some steel stock/tubing and made her a 5hp(150cc displacement no less heh...heh) go-kart for her 4th birthday. The girl has the tail-wips down on that thing! She's coming up on her 6th birthday this summer and Im wondering if I dare pull out the PW50 when the wife isn't looking? Hmmmm, parental crossroads.
I of course want to take into account her physical agility. She's been on two wheels with her bicycle for about 4 months so she does have a base.
What age have you tried? And were you successful right off the bat or did you have to make another run at it before they caught on?
I would love to hear any stories about your daughter's first attempts.