What Anti-OHV groups think of you.


Aug 13, 2000
These idiots seem to have forgotten that the "allowed" development of lands is the real problem.

Fly over and wilderness area and you will notice how OHV use has little detectable impact on the land. Yet developed land is just that, not wilderness anymore.


94 Husky 360 2 stroke, Street legal,(gotta clear my throat now)! Ported engine, FMF pipe, kehin PWK carb, full knobbies, Pro Action Showa suspension, Pro tapers. 50HP


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
This really makes me angry. I wonder how the greenies would like it if their hobbies were threatened in the same way that they harass us?
Mar 13, 2001
What really burns my (_|_) is the fact that off road motorcyclists and ATV users in NY have to PAY to register bikes with the state but NONE of that money goes to provide new trail or maintenance on existing trail (which there is none of if memory serves me correctly). Our enduro club, STER, just joined NYSORVA which is working to improve the situation here in NY. Thank god we own land.

Ever noticed how many of these self proclaimed "defenders of mother earth" drive SUVs or other giant luxury vehicles that get less than 10MPG?



Mar 1, 2000
I may be in the minority here, but I didn't think the article was really that biased against us. Actually, I think it made an excellent point about responsible riding. There are many responsible riders that stay on trails, use spark arrestors, don't litter, etc. Then there are the jerks that don't follow these simple guidelines and give the rest of us a bad rep. Unfortunately for those of us that ride responsibly, I think the sport is being condemned based on the actions of irresponsible riders. I also think the article made a good point about educating riders because if we all ride responsibly, the anti-OHV groups will have alot less to complain about. Hopefully, with land issues becoming bigger and bigger all the time, we can convince everyone how important it is for us to set a good example for our sport to help keep it alive. I get really angry when I think that the sport I love is in danger of extinction because some people aren't following the rules of the trails.

Sorry for the rant, but I believe it's for a good cause.




Apr 5, 2000
I agree that there are alot of people on both ATV and dirtbikes that abuse the little privelages we have. We all see it, and this is probably the biggest flame with the greenies. If you see illegal activity, it's our responsibility to remind the OHV activist to conform to the law - for the better of the sport. I have my bike insured and on the road and have been asked to see it numerous time by rangers.

But on the other side though

I have to admit the environmental impacts on the forest I'm sure are minimal, this guy talks about health of the people in an urbanized city, effected by OHV use in the woods - give me a break.

Mar 13, 2001
Norm, Cstager,

Your response highlights the danger in this article. It is couched in seemingly reasonable terms. What enviros mean by "management" is BANNED. They have a take no prisoners, win at all costs attitude when it comes to eliminating off-highway-vehicles. They couch unreasonable demands in a smokescreen of seeming reasonableness so that people will say "Oh yeah, well that sounds OK." Then the hammer comes down.

Here in NY in the mid '80s they passed a law that all off-road-vehicles had to be registered and insured. Funds from the registration fees were to fund trail systems. Two years later the Leg passes a law eliminating the trail fund but leaving the registration fees intact. AND THE ENVIROS COULDN'T BE HAPPIER. Now there are no trails and no funds but lots of money being pilfered from ORV owners pockets. They slowly turn the screw and slowly our rights and opportunities disappear. We must adopt the same win at all costs attitude and stop the enviros dead on every front. We've lost too much ground already.

And yes, there are some (_|_)-heads in our community. And we should police ourselves. But that is no reason to give ground in the fight!

I'd like to volunteer to help restore our lost coral reefs by dumping a ship load of environmentalists into the ocean so that the coral has something dense to grow on.



Jan 17, 2001
WOW look at the length of that statement. Those environmentalists have got TOO much time on their hands and OFCOURSE we are the ones they hate.

All I can say is that we need to keep looking at the AMA rapid response website to fight these people every step of the way. We can't let them win one single battle. Our problem is they think they are really defending something, because of that they fight harder. We need to keep hitting that Rapid response button.



Jan 17, 2001
Originally posted by OffRoadWarrior:
Norm, Cstager,


I'd like to volunteer to help restore our lost coral reefs by dumping a ship load of environmentalists into the ocean so that the coral has something dense to grow on.

Oh I'm rollin!!!! That is hiliarious! Can I help you dump them?


Smokin Joe

Sponsoring Member
Apr 21, 2000
Right on, Warrior!!!

You put my exact thoughts into words. (See my rambling rant on the National Park Ban thread). We definitely need to embrace a "take no prisoners" mentality; although in a very polite way of course.


Joe Hammond
Meridian, MS
'97 KTM 250 EXC, '85 XL-600
AMA, Blue Ribbon Coalition, NETRA, SERA (soon)

70 marlin

Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 15, 2000
what burn's me is the take to no prisoner attitude! what ever happen to our rights?

99 fredette kdx 220
so many stickers so few places to put them.
86 kx 80
83 rm 125


Aug 13, 1999
Our rights were slowly taken away while we were out riding!

Face it, fighting this battle takes a lot of time, effort and organization. That is what the greenies have over us. They don't have hobbies other than shutting us down. So, make the time and effort. Get your opinion out there and not just to the elected officials. Talk to other people, you'd be surprised by how many people that don't ride don't agree with the bans. Join BRC, AMA, local clubs, American Land Rights Assoc,and and the other organizations that are trying to protect our rights and tell others about them.

Also, set a good example when you are out there - look at the list and do not be one of the examples they see.

When you see someone riding off the trails, causing problems, littering, etc. it doesn't hurt to stop & strike up a conversation and somehow get the point across that what they are doing is going to get us ALL shut down then tell them what they need to do to prevent it.

I have talked to many people out dirtbiking that didn't realize that they were causing a problem for the entire sport. I know there are jerks that are too stupid to talk to but hey; you don't know that until you try.

When you are out there in your gear with your bike, you are already forming a "bond" (for lack of a better word) so striking up a conversation is made easier. Lead off with talking about the bikes, riding and explain that people are trying to close off areas and how they are using the pioneering and littering and irresponsibility issues. It may not influence them at all but it might!

I know I have talked to many people out riding (and anywhere else I happen to be – I talk more than I type
) and have not met anyone yet that is totally disinterested in this subject. I have met some that wanted more info on local clubs or on NMA, AMA, and BRC. I have added many to my email list for issues that affect us and I have added some to my list of people that I invite to come ride. I've never had someone get mad at me for stopping to talk about riding - must be because of the camaraderie between riders - could be because they are in shock when they meet some chick out on the trails on a CR500 with two little kids tagging along on their bikes.

Like Joe said, check out the National Park Ban thread, what applies to PWC' also applies to bikes. It's all the same old thing.

Bbbom’s Picture Page

[This message has been edited by bbbom (edited 04-20-2001).]


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
The problem is there will always be Billy Bob and his brother-in-law, Jethro, out on their quads (with beer cooler and can holder). They'll be cruising along some forest trail or backroad, see a mudhole and challenge eachother to ride through it. By the time their done "havin' fun" they've dug ruts half-way to China. Then along comes those two granolas, Summer and Lars. They see what Billy-Bob and Jethro have done, take pictures, tell their Green E friends, etc., etc. Pretty soon the local paper runs a story on how ATV's are "destroying" mother nature.

The only logical option, short of taking out Summer and Lars with a high-powered rifle, is educating the two dim bulbs, Billy-Bob and Jethro. Rider education SHOULD be a required course. All ATV riders SHOULD be licensed by each state. Proper land etiquette SHOULD be taught in these classes. If you violate any laws, you SHOULD be fined and your ATV license suspended or revoked. BUT, we don't live in Utopia, so it's up to US to educate Billy-Bob abd Jethro next time we spot them "having fun" at the future expense of our sport... or take them out with the rifle.

'98 GasGas EC250

[This message has been edited by WoodsRider (edited 04-23-2001).]
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