The best advice I can offer is to be yourself, don't get too mushy too soon, and to not put them on a pedestal because of their beauty. Treat them like you don't care if they go out with you or not. I'm not saying be a jerk to them, but girls get turned off by guys they know they can control. They like a man that is a challenge and that they aren't always sure what he is thinking or what he is going to do next. If you're going to compliment a woman, compliment her on something she has control over, such as her shoes or her outfit or something like that. Getting compliments on her eyes and her face is played out, you need to compliment her on something different. Another thing is, don't call her all the time. Only call a girl when you want to ask for a date. You shouldn't call a girl just to chit chat for hours, it makes you look like you have nothing else going on, and that turns them off. Always end the conversation first, and keep the conversations on the phone short. Don't bring a girl flowers on the first date. Bringing someone a gift may seem like you were raised right or are a gentleman, but it's really like rewarding them right off the bat for doing nothing, since this is only your first date. Oh yeah, don't kiss on the first date, you have to make the girl want it and really anticipate it on the second date, that way she'll give you a really good kiss instead of a half-hearted first date kiss like she does with other guys.
I cannot stress enough that you can't freak out over how beautiful a girl looks, it turns them off, and every other dude does it. Act like she's just okay looking and that you don't care if she doesn't see you again or not.
One last thing, don't ask girls for advice, they never give it to you straight, NEVER. If you want more help, go to